Press releases

New Global CEO frames Deloitte’s priorities to create impact that matters for clients, people and society

New York, 2 June 2015– Punit Renjen took the helm Monday as the new chief executive officer of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited (Deloitte Global) and defined the global organization’s priorities, led by driving a shared sense of purpose across a network operating in more than 150 countries with more than 220,000 people.

Renjen framed a set of strategic priorities, including increasing investment to apply leading technology to serve clients across core businesses of audit, tax, consulting, enterprise risk and financial advisory services. Other top priorities include setting the standard for quality around the world, employing “hyper collaboration” among the network’s member firms to deliver global capabilities tailored to local needs, and creating a distinct development experience to attract and inspire talent.

In addition to driving delivery of exceptional core services to clients across a range of industry sectors, Renjen plans to grow the Deloitte network’s capabilities in areas such as cognitive technologies, cloud computing, digital and social applications, cyber, risk, and crisis services.

Linking a company’s core activities to a greater sense of purpose has long been a passion for Renjen. Noted Renjen, “Increasingly, companies are seeking ways to integrate social impact into their core business, rather than relying on corporate citizenship programs alone. This positive trend will help drive a sense of purpose; however, it is important businesses take a broad view when thinking about impact to include clients and employees, in addition to affecting the communities in which they work and live.”

About Punit Renjen

Renjen is the first Indian-born American CEO of the global office of a leading professional services network. His leadership appointment is part of a rigorous and comprehensive nomination and member firm partner ratification process that occurs every four years and includes all member firms of the Deloitte worldwide network. Most recently, Renjen was Deloitte U.S. member firm Chairman of the Board since 2011. Prior to his role as U.S. Chairman, Renjen served as Chairman and CEO of Deloitte Consulting LLP in the U.S. During his tenure as U.S. Consulting CEO, the consulting practice experienced tremendous growth despite an ongoing recession, helping Deloitte Consulting LLP become one of the largest consulting providers according to leading analysts’ rankings. Renjen is also a recognized leader in mergers & acquisitions (M&A), assisting clients through the entire M&A lifecycle. Renjen grew up in India and holds a bachelor's degree with honors and a master's degree in management with honors. Click here or visit for a full bio.

Punit Renjen

Punit Renjen je prvým americkým generálnym riaditeľom narodeným v Indii globálnej kancelárie vedúcej siete poskytujúcej odborné služby. Jeho vymenovanie za generálneho riaditeľa je súčasťou dôkladného a komplexného procesu nominácie a ratifikácie zo strany partnerov členských firiem, ktorý sa uskutočňuje raz za štyri roky a zahŕňa všetky členské firmy celosvetovej siete Deloitte. Od roku 2011 bol predsedom predstavenstva členskej firmy Deloitte U.S. Predtým pôsobil ako prezident a generálny riaditeľ spoločnosti Deloitte Consulting LLP so sídlom v USA. Počas svojho pôsobenia vo funkcii generálneho riaditeľa spoločnosti Deloitte Consulting LLP zaznamenali konzultačné služby obrovský rast aj napriek pokračujúcej recesii, čo pomohlo spoločnosti Deloitte Consulting LLP stať sa jedným z najväčších poskytovateľov konzultačných služieb podľa rebríčkov, ktoré zostavujú poprední analytici. Okrem toho je P. Renjen uznávaným lídrom v oblasti fúzií a akvizícií (M&A), asistuje klientom počas celého životného cyklu M&A. P. Renjen vyrástol v Indii a je držiteľom bakalárskeho titulu s vyznamenaním a magisterského titulu s vyznamenaním v odbore manažment. Pre úplný životopis kliknite sem here alebo navštívte

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