
Investment Aid

Drafting of Investment Aid Applications

Investment aid may be granted up to 35% of the eligible costs (in case of small enterprises, the maximum aid intensity increases to 55%).

The main goal of investment aid is to incentivize investments in less developed regions of Slovakia as well as investments in high-tech sectors. Eligible activities are investments in manufacturing, corporate R&D centers and shared services centers. Projects in all Slovak regions may be supported, with the exception of the Bratislava region.

Granting of investment aid is subject to an official approval procedure, which is rather time-consuming and administratively demanding (e.g. each project must be approved by the Slovak Government).
Deloitte has extensive experience in the field investment aid advisory. So far, our team has assisted with the drafting of dozens of successful investment aid applications. In the preparatory phase, our focus is on assessing the specifics and advantages of each project. We then highlight all positive aspects of the project in the relevant documentation, thus increasing the probability of approval.

Thanks to our experience of over 10 years, we are able to achieve considerable time savings and minimize costs for the company. Projects are always prepared in such a way that allows for their correct implementation with a certain degree of flexibility.

Our services:

Deloitte is able to provide assistance throughout the entire approval process as well as subsequent reporting in case of successful projects.

- Preliminary assessment of the investment's chances of success
- Comprehensive drafting of documentation (application and related annexes)
- Advice during negotiations with the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic
- Drafting of investment aid offer acceptance letter
- Assistance during negotiations of contracts with specific aid providers
- Drafting of reports after final approval of aid

Dedicated grant advisory team:

Our specialized team of consultants has robust experience with the entire investment aid approval process as well as with reporting of successful projects. Over the past 10 years, Deloitte has drafted dozens of successful investment aid applications, having almost 100% success rate. Our clients come from various sectors (e.g., automotive, electrical engineering, corporate R&D centers).

Connect with our expert team

Milan Šustek

Milan Šustek

Director | Tax

Milan is a Director in the Tax function with more than 10 years of experience in obtaining support for investment projects. He has extensive experience in investment aid and EU funds. He also speciali... More