Here is the problem. Not enough people are returning to office work, often preferring to work at home. The result is that, for many companies leasing office space, there will likely be a decision to downsize when leases mature. When that happens, office building owners will face a loss of revenue, potentially leading to defaults on mortgages. Indeed, the delinquency rate on office building mortgages is now 6.5%, up dramatically from a year earlier. The prospect of further trouble has already led to a decline in office building valuations. That, in turn, means greater difficulty in rolling over existing mortgages. Moreover, with interest rates now significantly higher than a year ago, refinancing becomes that much more difficult.
Here are a few figures: This year, the volume of commercial real estate (CRE) loans maturing in the United States will be US$929 billion, or about one-fifth of the outstanding volume of loans. This includes not only office but other types of commercial property. Of this, about one-third were due last year and were renegotiated. About half of this volume is held by banks and about one-quarter is securitized. The rest is held by insurance companies, credit companies, and others. Of the loans held by banks, a disproportionate share is held by small banks for which CRE loans are equal to twice their Tier 1 capital. For large banks, CRE loans are equal to half their capital. Thus, smaller banks, of which there are about 2,000 in the United States, are at greater risk. Still, for large banks, non-performing CRE loans now exceed loan loss reserves. Moreover, if, as expected, delinquencies increase in the coming two years, then even large banks could face increased financial stress.
From the perspective of the Federal Reserve, where the top priority is to tame inflation, the troubled office property market is a potential challenge. Indeed, when Silicon Valley Bank failed last year, the Fed had to pause its monetary tightening and inject liquidity into the banking system to avert a systemic crisis. A crisis was averted and the Fed was able to return to inflation fighting. Yet if, in the coming year or two, there are multiple failures of small- to medium-sized banks, the Fed will be compelled to intervene massively. It will likely encourage larger banks to acquire smaller banks while the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation protects depositors. The Fed’s principal goal will be to prevent a seizing up of credit markets as happened in 2008. Meanwhile, as the Fed likely cuts interest rates in the coming year, this will help to ease the property market crisis.
Assuming that a massive financial crisis can be averted, the next issue will be what to do with an excess supply of office space and how to revive the central business districts of major cities. Also, if a financial crisis does emanate from the commercial property situation, it could potentially be the cause of the next economic downturn.
Given that there is a declining population, and an expected sharp decline in the number of young adults, it is not clear when, if ever, equilibrium will return to the housing market. The number of people in their 30s (first-time home buyers) is expected to decline from 220 million in 2020 to 160 million in 2035.
Also, one of the factors that drove massive investment in housing was a desire for larger homes. Yet that process has likely come to an end, with typical homes in China now having roughly the same amount of space as in Japan or the United Kingdom. Thus, it is likely that residential property investment will be modest in the years to come and that the excess inventory will remain large for a very long time. That, in turn, suggests weak property prices. Given that property is the single biggest source of wealth in China, this could be problematic.
Also, less property development will mean less global demand for key commodities such as iron ore, and therefore, downward pressure on commodity prices. Indeed, many of China’s steel producers are facing financial challenges. This has led to increased exports of steel in an effort to address excess capacity. China’s steel exports increased 28% from 2022 to 2023. This, in turn, has alarmed the governments of other steel-producing countries. Mexico, for example, has imposed new tariffs on steel imports.
The US government is especially concerned about this situation. A senior official at the US Treasury said that “we are worried that Chinese industrial support policies and macro policies that are more focused on supply rather than thinking about where the demand will come from are both careening towards a situation where overcapacity in China is going to wind up hitting world markets.”
The United States is not only concerned about steel and other products related to the housing market; it is also concerned about products that are related to advanced technologies and clean energy technologies. The same is true of the European Union, which has launched an investigation regarding dumping by China’s electric vehicle industry. China has made it clear that investments in the tech and clean energy sectors will play a role in transitioning away from an economy that was excessively dependent on property investment. Thus, China is subsidizing these new sectors and thereby encouraging more exports. As such, the end of the housing bubble is indirectly contributing to increased economic tensions between China and the West.
The five-year prime rate for mortgages was introduced in 2019. Since that time, reductions were very gradual. The last reduction, by 10 basis points, was in June. Thus, the most recent action, although similar to what other major central banks often do, was unusual for the PBOC. In a sense, it sent a signal that the PBOC views the current situation as serious. On the other hand, the mortgage rate has been cut by 200 basis points since 2021 without much effect. Thus, the recent action might not have a big impact.
Monetary policy alone might not be sufficient to revive the Chinese economy. That is because consumers and businesses might not react to low interest rates due to low confidence. Rather, they hoard cash. Consequently, a better tool might be fiscal policy that would directly boost spending in the economy. Yet the central government is evidently averse to this. It likely worries that it will have to bail out fiscally troubled local governments that are suffering the effects of the housing market collapse.
Second, despite statements from government officials encouraging and welcoming foreign investment, some foreign companies have faced more scrutiny and regulation than previously. Moreover, the government has appeared more supportive of the state sector than the private sector. One likely result that has been noticed is that private sector investment has stalled.
Third, the increasingly fraught relations between China and Western countries, including both the United States and the members of the European Union (EU), might have given pause to foreign companies before investing in China. The troubled relations raise questions about the possibility of future restrictions on trade and cross-border investment.
Finally, as China’s labor costs have risen, and as trade restrictions have become more onerous, many companies are looking elsewhere for investment opportunities. Of particular interest are Southeast Asia, India, and Mexico.
What might be the impact of declining inbound FDI? FDI contributes to an economy’s growth by boosting the capital stock, transferring technologies and knowledge, and often boosting export capacity. Less FDI means less investment, less knowledge transfer, and fewer exports than would otherwise by the case.
On the other hand, it could be that the worst is over. The government’s data shows that there was a rebound in the fourth quarter when there was a net positive inflow of FDI after a net outflow in the third quarter. Moreover, inbound FDI by German companies hit a record high in 2023. Many German companies, which previously based their competitiveness on access to cheap Russian energy, are now investing elsewhere.
Yet inflation, while much lower than previously, is not yet defeated. And that is because the current inflation has to do with demand rather than supply factors. Labor markets are unusually tight, generating large wage increases that are passed onto consumers in the form of higher prices. It is concern about this that has led major central banks to retain tight monetary policies, hoping that their efforts will weaken labor markets and suppress wage pressure.
Which brings us to the Eurozone. There, inflation has receded significantly and is getting quite close to the European Central Bank’s (ECB) target of 2% inflation. Yet inflation in services, which is labor-intensive, remains far too high. Thus, despite progress, the ECB is likely to keep its benchmark interest rate at an elevated level for many more months. Let’s look at the data.
In January, consumer prices in the 20-member Eurozone were up 2.8% from a year earlier and were down 0.4% from the previous month. When volatile food and energy prices are excluded, core prices were up 3.3% from a year earlier, the lowest since March 2022. Core prices were down 0.9% from the previous month. Energy prices were down 6.1% from a year earlier and up 1.2% from the previous month. Food prices were up 5.6% from a year earlier and up 0.9% from the previous month. Thus, food price inflation remains a problem.
Notably, non-energy industrial prices were up only 2% from a year earlier and down 2.4% from the previous month. Thus, goods prices are no longer a problem. The problem remains with services where prices were up 4% from a year earlier (unchanged for the last three months) and down 0.1% from the previous month. Services are mostly labor-intensive. The large wage gains that have taken place in the Eurozone are feeding into service prices, preventing overall inflation from receding to the 2% target.
For the ECB, this is a conundrum. After all, the longer monetary policy remains tight, the more it will weaken a nearly dormant economy that barely grew in 2023. Yet to cut rates now risks allowing inflation to rebound. The ECB has signaled a likelihood that it will keep rates high until the second half of this year. There are two things that could happen that might change the ECB’s calculus. First, if labor productivity accelerates, then businesses can boost wages without raises prices commensurately. Second, if the supply of labor rises quickly (through greater participation or more immigration) it would dampen wage pressure. Absent these, the ECB will likely keep rates high for longer.
Meanwhile, the working-age population is falling rapidly, a process that is expected to continue for a long time. Not only does this put pressure on pensions and health care; it also impacts economic growth. Absent an offsetting acceleration in labor productivity, a decline in the working-age population necessarily implies slow economic growth. In the past few decades, two things contributed strongly to productivity growth: rural-urban migration and a massive inflow of foreign investment. Both are now in decline. This bodes poorly for acceleration of productivity growth. Moreover, the increasing emphasis on the state sector, which traditionally had slower productivity growth than the private sector, also bodes poorly for productivity growth.
On the other hand, the decline in the working-age population will intensify labor shortages, thereby boosting labor costs and creating an incentive for investments in labor-saving and/or labor-augmenting technologies. That, in turn, could boost productivity.
Also, the very long term looks concerning. The Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences (SASS) predicts that China’s population will shrink from about 1.4 billion today to 525 million by 2100. It is unlikely that anyone reading this article will be alive in 2100, which means we won’t get to see what happens. But what we do know is that, barring war, famine, or pestilence, this kind of population decline is unprecedented in human history. The SASS also says that, by 2100, the working-age population will fall to 210 million, an 80% decline from today.
Getting back to now, in the short term, China’s demographics will have a global impact. First, the demographic trends lessen the likelihood that China can overtake the United States as the world’s largest economy. This potentially lessens China’s geopolitical and economic footprint and influence. Second, China’s population and rate of economic growth have already been overtaken by India. Although India’s GDP remains far below that of China, that will likely change in the future, thereby increasing India’s influence. Already there are reports that global companies and investors are increasingly betting on India and reducing exposure to China. Finally, a smaller Chinese population will mean reduced demand for both agricultural and mineral commodities. That, in turn, will influence global commodity markets and prices.
In the long run, economies grow for two reasons. First, more employment leads to more output. Second, more output per worker (productivity) leads to more output. In the case of India, the demographics are very favorable. Unlike in China, the working-age population is growing rapidly and will continue to grow for another two decades.
As for productivity, it is affected by several factors. First, improvements in human capital boost productivity. A more skilled and educated workforce is a more productive workforce. Moreover, a literate and educated workforce is available to implement new technologies, thereby boosting productivity. In the case of India, the share of the population in tertiary education has soared since the start of this century. In addition, educated Indians have been responsible for a high level of entrepreneurship. They have also attracted considerable investment into the IT sector.
Second, productivity is boosted by investments in public and private infrastructure, boosting economic efficiency as well as hygienic conditions, which can influence public health. Spending on public infrastructure has surged, with spending on highway construction tripling in the past decade. Plus, the share of households with electricity has increased from 60% ten years ago to 97% today. There has also been a major investment in indoor plumbing. Better public health will mean less illness and better ability of children to perform well in school.
Third, productivity is boosted by investment in technology. India now has a strong digital infrastructure. The share of the population with internet access has risen sharply in recent years. Moreover, overall investment has increased, now accounting for about 30% of GDP, similar to that of many East Asian nations. This is a sea change from the past when India seriously underinvested. Plus, inbound foreign direct investment (FDI) has surged and is now higher as a share of GDP than in China. Foreign investment brings new technologies as well as expats with expertise. It also stimulates domestic entrepreneurship on the part of workers with experience with foreign companies.
Finally, productivity improves when barriers to economic efficiency are removed. In India, this has involved a sharp decline in import tariffs, although they remain too high. In addition, India’s adoption of a goods and services tax (GST) in 2017 removed obstacles to inter-state economic transactions, enabling the creation of a single national market.
The result of these initiatives is that India is now growing strongly and is set to continue growing strongly in the years to come. Moreover, strong growth can beget strong growth. That is, strong economic conditions engender confidence on the part of domestic and global businesses, thereby leading to increased investment and adoption of new technologies. Plus, good economic conditions will likely attract more attention from India’s massive and successful diaspora. In the past, China benefitted massively from investment by its own diaspora. This is not to say that India has no problems or headwinds. For example, the female share of the labor force is too low and has been falling. This is a significant obstacle to faster growth. Still, on balance, the future seems positive.
In January, the consumer price index (CPI) was up 3.1% from a year earlier, down from 3.4% in December but the same as in November. In fact, the annual rise in the CPI has fluctuated between 3% and 3.7% since June. In other words, it is not getting better. Before June, the inflation rate had been steadily declining since mid-2022. Thus, it could be that inflation is getting stuck. Also, consumer prices were up 0.3% from December to January, the highest monthly rate since September.
When volatile food and energy prices are excluded, core prices were up 3.9% in January from a year earlier, the same as in November, which was the lowest in 2 and a half years. That is the good news. The bad news is that core prices were up 0.4% from December to January, the biggest monthly increase since April of last year. Moreover, monthly core inflation has been mostly on an upward trend since June of last year. This raises serious questions about whether disinflation has stalled. Indeed, it is this concern that led to the recent market reaction.
Going further into the details it is apparent that there is some good news. Many categories of goods experienced deflation in January. In fact, durable goods prices were down 1.6% from a year earlier and down 0.5% for the month. Prices of non-durables were up 0.9% from a year earlier. However, when food prices are excluded, non-durables were down 1% from a year earlier and down 1.4% for the month.
Thus, almost all inflation was in services, with prices up 4.9% from a year earlier and up 0.7% for the month. Yet a large part of services consists of shelter (housing), where prices were up 6% from a year earlier and up 0.6% for the month. When shelter is excluded from the CPI, overall prices were up only 1.5% from a year earlier and up 0.1% for the month. Moreover, it is expected that the shelter component of CPI inflation will decelerate in the months to come. That suggests that underlying inflation will likely diminish.
Still, service inflation remains a problem. Excluding shelter, service prices were up 3.6% in January from a year earlier and up 0.6% for the month. Services tend to be labor-intensive, and labor costs continue to rise. This is what concerns the Federal Reserve. Given the extreme tightness of the labor market, it is not surprising that average hourly earnings accelerated in January. Unless wage inflation diminishes or is offset by a sharp rise in labor productivity, it will be difficult to reduce inflation to the 2% target. And that is why the Fed is likely to keep interest rates high for many more months.
Second, the retail sales data is adjusted for seasonal variations in spending. That is, spending surges during the holiday season and then declines afterwards. The government adjusts for this so that there is not a dramatic drop in reported spending in January. However, it could be that seasonal patterns are changing in ways not yet reflected in the data. Moreover, there was unusually cold weather in January, which might have dampened willingness to go out to shop.
Lastly, despite strong job growth, there are other economic factors that could be dampening the willingness to spend. First, although job growth was strong in January, full-time employment has not increased since last summer. Many people are taking part-time work. Second, it is possible that US households have finally exhausted the excess savings accumulated during the pandemic. Third, although the delinquency rate on household debt remains historically low, the number of households transitioning into delinquency has accelerated to a level higher than prior to the pandemic. This suggests increasing financial stress for many households.
In any event, here are the details of the retail sales data: In January, retail sales were down 0.8% from the previous month. Many categories experienced a sharp decline. This included automotive (down 1.7%), home improvement (down 4.1%), drugstores (down 1.1%), gasoline stations (down 1.7%, mainly due to lower prices), and non-store retailers (down 0.8%). On the other hand, spending was up at department stores (up 0.5%), grocery stores (up 0.6%), and restaurants (up 0.7%).
It is widely accepted that R* fell sharply in Europe and North America following the global financial crisis in 2008–09. In the United States, it is widely believed that, in the decade following that crisis, R* was roughly 1% or less. That means, with 2% inflation, the neutral nominal interest rate was no higher than 3%. Indeed, the Federal Reserve kept its policy rate closer to zero during the first few years after the crisis, trying to boost inflation. The question now is whether R* reverts to the pre-pandemic level or goes higher.
What factors might cause a low R*? Factors that cause slow growth can mean a low R*. This would include poor demographics (slow growth of the working-age population) and/or low productivity growth. In addition, a high level of savings relative to the demand for funds can lower R*. Currently, the indigenous labor force is growing slowly. On the other hand, immigration has boosted labor force growth. Productivity, which grew slowly for a long time, is now accelerating. It remains unclear if this will continue.
What factors might cause R* to rise above the pre-pandemic level? First, a high level of government borrowing relative to savings would boost the natural interest rate. Second, increased business investment can boost R*. In the coming years, there is an expectation that business investment will accelerate, driven by climate factors, supply chain redesign, and demand for radically new technologies.
Given that we don’t know which factors will dominate, there is currently a debate about R*. This, in turn, will influence the decisions made by central banks. Managing monetary policy is hard, in part because R* cannot be known with certainty, and in part because monetary policy acts with a lag.
Blame for the drought has been placed on climate change as well as on the El Nino season. However, a new study suggests that it also has much to do with the deforestation of the Amazon basin. That is, the canal is highly dependent on rainfall, which maintains water levels in lakes that supply water to the canal. In recent years, due to deforestation in the Amazon, rainfall levels have been historically low. The result is that the water levels in the lakes adjacent to the canal have fallen to record lows.
The Amazon rainforest, the largest such forest in the world, has been sufficiently depleted, so much so that it is likely at a tipping point where it will no longer produce large volumes of rainfall. This is according to several studies by leading scientists. The result is that, in 2023, the Amazon experienced its worst drought in recorded history. And, of course, deforestation is contributing to climate change by reducing the number of trees that can absorb carbon.
Given this, the future of the Panama Canal is now in doubt. If water levels in the canal remain low, or become even lower, it will be hugely disruptive to global trade. The largest customer of the canal is US-based shipping followed by China-based shipping. The US shipping usually involves goods transported between the West Coast and the East and South coasts. Without access to the canal, there will be more demand for ground transportation within the United States. This will include rail and trucking.
As for goods coming from China, they could be delivered to West Coast ports for ground transportation to the rest of the United States. Or they could go around South America. Finally, energy products are exported from ports in New Orleans and Houston to Asia. Without the Panama Canal, they might travel across the Atlantic, around Africa, and toward Asia. Either way, these alternative routes would likely cause delays, add to costs, and possibly lead to inadequate capacity.
The irony is that, earlier in this century, a massive investment was made in widening the Panama Canal to accommodate the latest large container ships and tankers. Now, it appears that this investment might not pay off. As a resident of Los Angeles, I recall considerable concern that the widening of the canal would divert ships from the very large and economically important ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach. Now, there will likely be a significant increase in demand for port facilities in southern California.
Plus, Chinese exporters have taken advantage of a loophole in the law that allows packages valued at under US$800 to arrive in the United States tariff-free. Several Chinese companies, such as Shein, sell goods online directly to US consumers and businesses, sending packages that are valued under the US$800 threshold. Even US online sellers such as Amazon allow Chinese companies to sell goods through their websites. Thus, the majority of packages entering the United States using this loophole now come from China. In 2022, 685 million such packages were shipped to the United States, with between 60% and 80% of them coming from China or Hong Kong. It is estimated that the number of packages might have been about one billion in 2023.
There are calls in the US Congress for closing this loophole. Moreover, former President Trump has vetted the idea of imposing a 60% tariff on all imports from China. One reason the 25% tariffs have not been as impactful as expected is that there is currently excess production capacity in China, putting downward pressure on prices. Yet a 60% tariff could be very impactful, raising prices substantially and putting pressure on producers to shift production elsewhere. That could be problematic given the vast investment that has been made in existing and highly efficient supply chains in China. On the other hand, higher tariffs will create a big incentive to boost shipments of inputs to Southeast Asia for final assembly, thereby evading tariffs while supplying products to the United States.
What is happening? The shift in trade patterns reflects changes in supply chain design. Many global companies, fearful of supply chain disruption due to geopolitical tensions, are diversifying their supply chains away from China. Indeed, inbound foreign direct investment (FDI) into China fell sharply last year. FDI in Southeast Asia and India increased. The result is a shift in trade. Still, many of the products exported from Southeast Asia and India to the United States are made with inputs that come from China. Thus, China’s role is not necessarily diminishing. It is simply shifting.
Also, exports from other Asian countries are shifting. For example, exports from Japan and South Korea to China have fallen. As a result, the United States has become the biggest destination for Japanese exports for the first time in four years. And South Korean exports to the United States are now larger than Korean exports to China for the first time in 20 years.
For China, trade with the United States, Europe, and Japan is now of lesser importance than previously. Instead, China’s trade with Southeast Asia, Brazil, and Russia have increased sharply. Going forward, it is likely that this trend will continue and possibly accelerate, depending on the trade policies of the United States, Europe, and Japan. The outcome of the US election could have a big impact on US trade policy.
Deflation or very low inflation either reflects weak demand and/or excess supply. In the case of China, it is probably a bit of both. Deflation is worrisome in that it boosts real interest rates, increases the real value of debts, discourages consumers from spending, and hurts business confidence. The cure for deflation is often to boost money supply growth through easier monetary policy. That is, by cutting interest rates.
In the past year, the People’s Bank of China (PBOC), the country’s central bank, has cut rates and cut the required reserve ratio for commercial banks in an effort to spur more credit market activity. Yet this has not prevented deflation. Some analysts suggest that China is suffering from a liquidity trap in which lower interest rates are ignored as consumers and businesses continue to hoard cash. Instead, many people suggest that fiscal stimulus is needed to boost demand. That would entail increased government expenditure, especially with the goal of boosting consumer demand. Yet given the high level of local government debt in China, the government in Beijing might be reluctant to boost its own deficit. It might fear that it will be called upon to support troubled local governments, thereby boosting the deficit.
Meanwhile, the government has dismissed worries about persistent deflation. It says that the current situation has much to do with volatile food prices and that higher inflation will return in 2024. On the other hand, critics worry that the persistent crisis in the property market, combined with a lack of confidence that growth will accelerate, suggest that deflation or low inflation will likely persist absent a dramatic change in fiscal policy.
As for fiscal policy, it is not moving in an expansionary direction. In 2021, 2022, and 2023, government spending as a share of GDP declined from the previous year. This partly had to do with reduced revenue due to the property crisis. Local government revenue is down sharply, putting pressure on the central government.
The weakness of the consumer sector is a concern to the government, which has called on employers to boost wages. Although Japanese inflation is now relatively high compared to the last 40 years, there is a widespread view that it reflects supply problems rather than excess demand. Plus, inflation is already abating. As such, an acceleration in wages is not seen as necessarily inflationary. Meanwhile, the Bank of Japan (BOJ) is now expected to tighten monetary policy sometime soon. That, in turn, will likely lead to a rise in the value of the yen, thereby reducing import prices and suppressing inflation.
Meanwhile, a government report says that Japan will require 6.7 million foreign workers by 2040 in order to maintain adequate economic growth. Although the government has taken various steps to encourage people to have more babies, and provided incentives for boosting female labor force participation, it has failed to reduce the shortage of labor. Thus, immigration is now widely seen as the solution.
Still, at 2% of the population, immigrants are a much smaller share of the population in Japan than in most developed economies. About one-quarter of foreign workers are from Vietnam, the largest group. Plus, foreign workers are not encouraged to stay and become Japanese citizens. Japan has long prided itself on cultural homogeneity. Thus, a more diverse population is likely seen by some as disruptive. On the other hand, absent immigration, Japan could see a sharp decline in population and serious fiscal headaches in the years to come.
The US government provides two reports on the job market: one based on a survey of establishments; the other based on a survey of households. First, let’s consider the establishment survey. It indicates that, in January, 353,000 nonfarm jobs were created, including 317,000 in the private sector. It was the strongest job growth since January 2023. In addition, the December numbers were upwardly revised, indicating December job growth of 333,000.
By industry, employment grew 23,000 in manufacturing, 45,200 in retailing, 15,500 in transportation and warehousing, 8,000 in financial services, 74,000 in professional and business services, 70,300 in health care, 11,000 in leisure and hospitality, and 36,000 in government. The rise in professional and business services was almost entirely full-time permanent jobs, with only very modest growth for temporary services.
The establishment survey also reported that average hourly earnings were up 4.5% from a year earlier, up from 4.3% in the previous month and the fastest wage growth since September 2023. Earnings were up 0.6% from the previous month. The acceleration in wage growth reflects the tightness of the job market.
In addition to the report on average hourly earnings, an excellent measure of the cost of employing workers is the employment cost index (ECI). It measures changes in the cost of compensation, breaking it down by wages and benefits. The latest index indicates that wage inflation remains too high for comfort but is decelerating. Specifically, the ECI increased 4.2% in December versus a year earlier. This included a 4.3% increase in wages and a 3.8% increase in the cost of benefits.
However, the ECI increased 0.9% in the last three months, which means it rose at less than an annual rate of 4%. Hence, it appears that compensation inflation started to decelerate in the last quarter. Moreover, since 2022 there has been a very sharp deceleration in health benefit inflation in the private sector, now only 1.8%. The slow rise in the cost of health benefits for private sector workers is notable given that health costs had previously been rising very rapidly. If continued, this bodes well for reducing overall compensation inflation.
With wages rising faster than inflation, workers are now seeing a real (inflation-adjusted) increase in wages. Specifically, real wages were up 1% in December versus a year earlier. On the one hand, this boosts consumer purchasing power, enabling continued growth in consumer spending. On the other hand, the rise in real wages is a concern for the Federal Reserve as it indicates that labor markets are contributing to inflation. The Fed has consistently expressed concern that a tight labor market, by driving up wages, will inhibit its ability to reduce inflation to the 2% target. The Fed has indicated that a tight monetary policy is needed to loosen the job market and thereby suppress wage pressure. So far, this is not happening. As such, it is likely that the Fed will keep rates high for longer, at least until the job market weakens and/or inflation declines further.
Based on the latest earnings data, investors no longer expect the Fed to cut rates in the next few months. Hence, bond yields increased after the employment report was released, with the yield on the 10-year bond up 19 basis points in one day. The value of the US dollar rose as investors now expect the interest-rate gap between the US and other countries to either widen or stay high.
In December, the job openings rate (the share of available jobs that are unfilled) was 5.4%, unchanged from November and up from 5.3% in October. Moreover, the number of job openings increased from 8.925 million in November to 9.026 million in December, the highest number since September. Although the job openings rate is down sharply from the historic peak of 7.4% reached in March 2022, it has been relatively stable in the last six months.
Moreover, if one excludes the post-pandemic period, the current job openings rate is the highest on record. In other words, the job market remains tight and is not getting any looser—despite persistent tight monetary policy on the part of the Fed. Indeed, the Fed’s goal in recent months was to loosen the job market, hoping to ease wage pressure and thereby allow inflation to recede further. Instead, the job market remains tight.
Meanwhile, the job openings rate varies considerably by industry. The highest job openings rates are in health care and social assistance (7.7%) and our own professional services (7%). The lowest rates are in state and local education (2.5%), wholesale trade (3.5%), and nondurable manufacturing (3.8%).
Finally, the government also publishes the quits rate, which is the share of jobs that people voluntarily leave each month. Recall that, in 2022, there was much talk about the so-called great resignation in which people were quick to voluntarily exit jobs. There was concern that too many people simply didn’t want to work, especially at a time when the labor force participation rate was historically low. That has changed. Participation is back up, close to the pre-pandemic level. Moreover, since mid-2022 the quits rate has been falling and is now at a level consistent with the pre-pandemic era. Specifically, the quits rate in December was 2.2%, the same as in November and similar to the rates seen in 2017 through 2019. Evidently people still want to work.
Powell said these things right after the Fed announced that it is holding the benchmark Federal Funds interest rate steady. The rate is set between 5.25% and 5.5%. The decision of the committee was unanimous. The committee stated that it “does not expect it will be appropriate to reduce the target range until it has gained greater confidence that inflation is moving sustainably towards 2%.”In addition, Chairman Powell said that a March rate cut (at the next policy meeting) is highly unlikely. It seems more likely that the Fed will wait at least until the second half of this year before acting.
In the fourth quarter, labor productivity (output per hour worked) increased at a 3.2% annualized rate from the previous quarter. Productivity was up 2.7% from a year earlier. Surprisingly, productivity grew faster in service industries than in manufacturing, the opposite of the historical pattern. Moreover, unit labor costs (the labor cost of producing an additional unit of output) grew only 0.5%, boding well for low inflation.
This is all good news. What we don’t know, however, is if this trend will be sustained in the quarters to come. Some people point to generative AI as likely to boost productivity. That is probably true, but not necessarily in the next year or two. Investment in AI is a longer-term phenomenon that will most likely bear fruit over a period of years. Indeed, Fed Chairman Powell dismissed the idea that generative AI will boost productivity in the short term.
The European Union (EU) reported that, in January, consumer prices were up 2.8% from a year earlier and down 0.4% from the previous month. When volatile food and energy prices are excluded, core prices were up 3.3%, the lowest since March 2022. Core prices were down 0.9% from the previous month. Notably, non-energy industrial goods prices were up only 2% from a year earlier and were down a staggering 2.4% from the previous month.
So far, these are terrific numbers. Yet what spooked investors is that service prices were up 4% from a year earlier, the same as in December and November. In other words, service prices are not decelerating as are other prices. Moreover, services tend to be labor-intensive while wages are rising sharply. Thus, the ECB will likely be reluctant to cut interest rates until wage pressure moderates.
One concern about inflation is that the crisis in the Red Sea, by boosting the cost of shipping goods from Asia to Europe, will significantly increase European inflation, thereby changing the calculus of the ECB. Indeed, the cost of shipping a container from China to Northern Europe has roughly quadrupled since October. Memories of the inflationary impact of supply chain disruption during the pandemic remain raw. Indeed, it is reported that the rerouting of ships from the Red Sea has led to an increase in suppliers’ delivery times for the first time in a year. Still, companies continued to draw down inventories, evidently in response to only modest demand. The fact that demand remains relatively weak could help to mitigate the potentially inflationary impact of the Red Sea crisis.
Finally, it is worth noting that, despite the sharp rise in shipping costs, the cost of shipping a container from China to Europe is now only about one third of the level reached in early 2022. Thus, the inflationary impact of the current crisis will not likely be anything akin to what happened during the pandemic.
The principal source of weakness was Germany. The German economy failed to grow in both the second and third quarters and declined by 0.3% in the fourth quarter. Although all EU economies have been hit by tight monetary policy and weak credit markets, Germany has suffered the consequences of the energy shock more than other countries. The end of access to cheap Russian energy has changed the calculus for heavy industry that, previously, derived competitiveness from cheap energy. Now, many big companies in Germany are investing abroad rather than in Germany.
Meanwhile, the French economy failed to grow in both the third and fourth quarters. However, growth was positive elsewhere. Italy grew 0.2% in the fourth quarter while Spain grew a strong 0.6%, Belgium 0.4%, Portugal 0.8%, and Austria 0.2%.
Going forward there is reason for cautious optimism about Europe. Real wages are now rising after a period of decline. This will likely boost consumer spending. In addition, households retain considerable excess savings following the pandemic. If they dip into that savings, it will boost spending. Moreover, it is widely expected that the ECB will cut interest rates later this year. If so, that will likely boost credit market activity and strengthen business investment. Finally, assuming energy prices do not rebound, then it appears that the worst of the energy crisis is over.