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Building teams that deliver at the speed of cloud

Part of the Architecting the Cloud podcast series

Slow delivery and underperforming cloud apps bedevil many organizations. The issues are often the result of poor team design. Building autonomous, effectively aligned teams can help speed workflow and deliver better products.

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Strategies to improve teams, improve flow, and improve outcomes

How do you deliver results at the speed of cloud, and how do you ensure that the results you get are the ones you expected? You build better work teams that rely on collaboration and efficient flow to deliver better products, faster. In this episode, Mike Kavis and Team Topologies co-author Manuel Pais discuss the characteristics of high-performing teams and how organizations can leverage teamwork to achieve better outcomes. Manuel’s advice for building better teams and increasing flow? Align teams and architecture; create smaller, more autonomous team structures; and reduce the cognitive load on team members. Manuel also cautions organizations to manage change effectively and to continuously search for bottlenecks and relentlessly work to remove them.

Talk about what are the current [team] challenges in terms of how we are organized, and how we work together, and how can we move forward.

Manuel Pais is co-author of Team Topologies: Organizing Business and Technology Teams for Fast Flow. A DevOps thought leader, Manuel is an independent IT organizational consultant and trainer focused on team interactions, delivery practices, and accelerating flow.


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Want great apps? It takes great teamwork

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Teamwork does not come naturally to everyone. Learn what it takes to develop a collaborative team by rethinking your approach to team-building.

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Put Cloud in context with the future of business and technology

Because cloud is never just about cloud, a podcast about cloud isn’t either. Our two hosts deliver two unique perspectives to help bring you closer to achieving what matters most—your possible.

For Cloud Professionals, hosted by David Linthicum, provides an enterprise-level, strategic look at key issues impacting clients’ businesses. David, ranked as the #1 cloud influencer in a recent Apollo Research report, has published 13 books on computing, written over 5,000 published articles and performed over 500 conference presentations, making his specialization in the power of cloud simply undeniable.

As a pioneer in cloud computing, Mike Kavis leads Architecting the Cloud, which offers insights from the POV of those who’ve had hands-on experience with cloud technology. Mike’s personal cloud journey includes leading the team that built the world's first high-speed transaction network in Amazon's public cloud—a project that ultimately won the 2010 AWS Global Startup Challenge.

With two leaders in your ear, you’ll have the content you need to drive the next conversation around cloud. Check out both talk tracks within the Deloitte On Cloud podcast to get the compelling stories on your schedule to help you understand the topics that are reshaping today’s market.

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