
Life at Deloitte

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Celebrating our people not for how well they fit into our culture, but for everything they bring to it

At Deloitte, diversity, equity, and inclusion are core to our values. From the moment our people walk in the door through each development opportunity, they are empowered to show up authentically, grow to their full potential, and live purposeful lives.

Making an impact through collective action

At Deloitte, we know transparency is a step toward driving real change. We’re committed to building trust and inspiring impact through collective action.

Our 2023 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Transparency report shares the data and insights that are helping us advance diversity, equity, and inclusion at Deloitte. Explore the 2023 DEI Transparency Report.

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Our approach

We encourage all of our people and our leaders to behave inclusively in their everyday interactions. Based on our research, there are six inclusive leadership behaviors are meant to empower everyone to personalize, identify, model, and advance DEI.

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