Your Extra Contact Center Capacities
Quick and easy way to scale up a company’s response capabilities and ease the concerns of impacted people.
When natural disasters hit, such as floods, power outages, waterlines, earthquakes, failure of essential utilities, and more, they usually have an immediate impact on everyday lives. City residents are left with questions and concerns and utility companies or governments often face a wave of calls, with residents asking the same questions. Voicebots and Chatbots answer these simple, repetitive questions and guide callers to helpful resources, while call operators step in for more detailed queries. Let’s take a look at how you can solve this with Intelligent Virtual Contact Center IRENA FOR DISASTER RECOVERY.
Following big storms or unexpected damage to powerlines, blackouts can impact households and businesses, prompting the need to answer the following questions: When will the powerlines be fixed? How long will the blackout last? Can you send someone to repair the powerlines? In situations like these, IRENA FOR DISASTER RECOVERY provides a quick and easy way to scale up a company’s response capabilities and ease the concerns of affected people.
Key Benefits
Upscaled contact capabilities in minutes
Call scripts prepared in advance
Gather feedback with Voicebots
Smartbots ready to assist existing operators
Flood Management
Fortunately, floods are rare. But when they do occur, the damage is often widespread and extensive, and the response must be quick. IRENA FOR DISASTER RECOVERY can prepare utility companies, ministries, and other organizations for a rapid response. We set up an initial script for responding to calls and other forms of communication. When residents or businesses are impacted, they can quickly call or reach out via any platform and access the information they need within hours of the flood.
Key Benefits
Ready-to-deploy call scripts
Smartbot response when operators are unavailable
No more long waiting times for urgent needs
Cloud-based solution, accessible from anywhere
Water Failures
When pipelines break or running water fails, water companies usually have customer service channels for people to call with general questions, but they are not equipped to handle the massive volume of calls that follows water main breaks or unexpected pipe failures. IRENA FOR DISASTER RECOVERY allows them to scale up without long-term investments – call scripts can be implemented at the click of a button. In addition, water companies can improve the day-to-day operations of their contact centers with ICC solutions.
Key Benefits
Quick organization into a single, easy platform
Smartbot-assisted data entry & registration
Managed call numbers with smartbots
Quick access to employment resources
Other use cases
Solution for onboarding patients and medical exams
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Disaster Recovery
Solution for onboarding patients and medical exams
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Government Support
Solution for informing the citizens about important news
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Outreach Campaign
Solution for sending alerts and notifications to customers
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Solution for everything you think about when improving your business
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We are ready to show you our Intelligent Contact Center in practice
Jan Hejtmánek
Partner +420 731 685 523 -
Petr Kaválek
Senior Manager -
Jan Stoklasa
Manager -
David Schopf
Senior Consultant