Resources are scarce, while the needs and demands are large and increasing

The public sector plays a central role in society – from regulation and security to infrastructure and services for citizens and businesses. If the public sector is to continue to be one of the best in the world, it requires constant realization of the very high potential for improvement. Resources are scarce, while needs and demands are large and getting bigger. Public senior leaders are therefore faced with having to constantly increase efficiency.

This is done by ensuring:

  • That the greatest possible percentage of the resources is used for core tasks
  • That resources are allocated based on evidence of efficacy, not hunches
  • That work procedures and processes are optimized
  • That public services have a focus on citizen’s and businesses’ needs
  • That economy of scale is utilized through mergers and joint solutions
  • That the employee’s resources, including innovation capacity, are used as best possible
  • Those investments in the form of buildings, infrastructure, and other technology are used as best possible
  • That the management is characterized by energy, confidence, and job satisfaction
  • That modern technology and the increased levels of data is used, to create value for the citizen, companies and public employees

At Struensee & Co., we work together with the public sector to tap into the potential so that change becomes a reality. This generally occurs in three phases, where we like to help develop the strategy, contribute to creating the economic scope for strategy implementation and finally help ensure the strategy’s practical implementation. In other words, we are with the client all the way along, if that is what our clients want.


Struensee & Co.
Copenhagen, Denmark


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