Do your homework!
We're impressed when candidates do research and learn about us. Browse our website, ask your friends, try to find out as much as you can. If you’re curious about who we are and what we do, it shows that you are genuinely interested.

First impressions matter!
Though it may sound superficial, yet we emphasize how important it is to make a good first impression, which you can achieve by arriving on time for the interview and dressing appropriately for the occasion. Business casual' attire has become widespread recently, however elegant is more appropriate because it shows that your intentions are serious.
Be genuine and positive.
Experienced interviewers will spot quickly if you are not sincere and credible. Present your abilities and knowledge as they are. Focus on what you are really good at. Highlight the skills you need for the job, which you can learn about in our job advertisement.

Give specific answers.
Tell us about your past experiences, measurable results, and solutions in your answers. We want to hear specific examples of how you contributed to the success of a school or voluntary project, company, or summer job, as well as what interesting things you learned. Keep your answers focused and comprehensible and make sure you don't ramble.
Feel free to ask questions.
Before the interview, gather the questions that genuinely interest you and ask them! The conversation is two-sided. If you ask, we’ll answer. At the end of the interview, feel free to ask us when we'll get back to you on the success of the interview and what the expected next steps are in the recruitment process.

Our team welcomes you with open arms.
If you have no further questions, feel free to browse through the open positions that interest you. We hope to see you soon!