Handling credit risks of banks and financial institutions


Handling credit risks of banks and financial institutions

Deloitte helps financial providers identify bad debtors and performs partial or complete review of the financial information and documents submitted by them. Purpose of the review is to reduce banks’ risks in a way which makes it possible to establish, after performing the agreed upon procedures, whether the financial data submitted by the debtor truly represent the actual financial position and to identify potential risks as well as off-balance sheet items which may affect the value of collaterals and help anticipate and prevent the client’s insolvency.

Bankok, pénzintézetek részére hitelezési kockázatok csökkentése

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Gábor Molnár

Gábor Molnár


Gábor Molnár is a partner in Deloitte Hungary’s Audit and Advisory service line with 18 years experience, he is a chartered auditor. He has significant experience in preparation and auditing of financ... More