
TISAX (Trusted Information Security Assessment Exchange) 

Beyond compliance

Information security in the automotive industry

The German Association of the Automotive Industry (Verban der Automobilindustrie – VDA) established the TISAX certification in order to have standardized information security requirements through the whole automotive supply chain. TISAX is mainly based on ISO27001 framework to ensure to protection of critical data and assets. Having TISAX certificates demonstrates commitment to information security, validated by and independent party. 

Download our one-page TISAX leaflet.

Deloitte and TISAX

We believe information security should not be a compliance issue only, but proper management of information security risks can add real value to day-to-day operations. We utilize our extensive automotive and information security experience to help our clients.   

We can support our customer with the following services on their TISAX journey: 

  1. We perform a pre-assessment based on TISAX requirements so gaps could be identified. 
  2. We provide action plan to solve the gaps based on industry good practice and based on our TISAX experience. 
  3. We help our clients to close those gaps e.g. consultation on information security governance framework, risk assessment procedures or personal data protection
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