Raiffeisen Bank Zrt.

About us

Raiffeisen Bank Zrt.




Raiffeisen Bank sold a non-performing retail mortgage loan portfolio to the APS / Balbec consortium.

Deloitte acted as exclusive financial advisor to Raiffeisen Bank Hungary.

Raiffeisen Bank Zrt.

Our Expert's thoughts:

"The sale of this NPL portfolio was the largest retail portfolio transaction of the Bank so far. Deloitte's relevant experience and expertise gained in recent transactions provided confidence to potential investors enabled an exceptionally lean, professional and efficient transaction process compared to other transactions with similar size and complexity. Just a bit more than 5 months passed from the start of the preparation until the final closing of the transaction. Although other similar transactions were ongoing in the market in paralel we managed to attract attantion from multiple potential buyers and eventually achieved favourable pricing meeting the expectations of our client with advantageous contract terms."