Deloitte TaxTech | Online Invoice Data Disclosure and Data Export| Deloitte Hungary

Online Invoice

Data Disclosure and Data Export

Choose the right solution for regulatory compliance and simplify your administrative business processes!

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Why real-time invoice data disclosure is inevitable

Since 2018, real-time reporting has been an obligation associated with issuing invoices

From the beginning of 2021, almost all invoices subject to Hungarian regulations have to be reported to NAV

NAV may oblige electronic invoice data retrieval and transfer in a predefined data structure for tax control purposes


Efficient and customised data disclosure without replacing existing software

Our off-the-shelf solution, VATOnline, can be flexibly connected to any invoicing system, after which the data disclosure requirement is fulfilled on an ongoing basis.

VATOnline is integrated between the invoicing software and the tax authority system, meaning that there is no need to replace or upgrade the existing system.

VATOnline is a solution that can be used to fulfil the obligation to export data and generate a file with the appropriate data structure for the tax administration's audit at any time.


Data disclosure in accordance with legal requirements

Continuous communication with the ERP system

Monitoring, logging and troubleshooting capabilities

Immediate notification in case of defective data disclosure

Legislative background

  • The scope of the invoices covered by online reporting is defined in Annex 10 to Act CXXVII of 2007 on Value Added Tax.
  • The requirement for data export by the tax authority is detailed in NGM decree No. 2014/23. (VI. 30.) on the Identification of Invoices and Cash Receipts for Tax Administration Purposes and on the Tax Authority Audits of Electronically Kept Invoices.

Why choose Deloitte VATOnline?

  • It fulfils the requirement for real-time invoice data disclosure;
  • It can generate a file with the right data structure for tax authority audits at any time;
  • Flexible connection to any invoicing or case management system;
  • Does not require replacement or costly and time-consuming upgrades to existing software

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Get in touch with our experts!

Zoltán Tancsa


Richárd Sík


Melinda Timkó

Senior manager

Find out more about VATOnline's

further features

Automatic Pre-accounting of Incoming Invoices

Automated VAT return

Invoice Digitization and Archiving


Partner Verification