About us

Diverse Abilities / Disabilities

Deloitte Tohmatsu Group is focusing on “Diverse Abilities” (instead of “Disabilities”) to create an inclusive environment where each and every member can fully demonstrate the power and potentials.

Diverse Members

About 400 members with diverse abilities (i.e., disabilities) are empowering as professionals in respective fields at Deloitte Tohmatsu Group -based on characteristics of business and its job specifics.
(Graph below shows the information as of June 2024)

Diverse Members
Click for enlarged version

Diverse Roles

There are various roles and responsibilities offered throughout the entire group, along with members’ abilities and strengths as well as business needs and specifics.

In addition to corporate works such as HR, Financial & Operations, Corporate Services, and Translation etc., diverse members are engaged in various fields- such as setting up computers, mailing services, running corporate café and pantry services, etc.. along with IT-related, gardening, etc.

In addition, we have been accelerating “Diverse Abilities Internship Program” to develop talents in IT field to drive our digital transformation (dX). 

Reasonable Accommodation

We are taking reasonable accommodations by communicating thoroughly with diverse members especially with disability certificates, such as;

  • Having trusted supporter to accompany recruiting interview
  • Hosting Look/See Day ※
  • Preparing job manuals etc.
  • Ensuring internal expert and exclusive contact person
  • Other consideration based on the request from the member

※Look/See Day to be held depends at business entities’ discretion

There are also various networking opportunities across the business entities within the group as well as learning session on diverse abilities along with other communication and engagement initiatives for further understanding and empowerment.

“The Valuable 500”

Deloitte Tohmatsu Group is a proud member of “The Valuable 500” to further empower disability inclusion.
“The Valuable 500” has been established over the Annual Meeting of World Economic Forum (known as Davos Meeting) in January 2019. It aims to have more than 500 companies to join worldwide, to create the environment where members with disabilities can further demonstrate their potentials to bring further value to the society and the economies.

For further information, refer to the press release as of 12th April, 2021.

The Valuable 500 logo

Winning over Workplace Category of Disability Matters Asia-Pacific Award

Winning over Workplace Category of Disability Matters Asia-Pacific Award
Deloitte Tohmatsu Group has won over Workplace Category of Disability Matters Asia Pacific Award, which is to honor and certify empowering organizations in disability inclusion.

This worldwide award with 17 years’ history has been held by Springboard Consulting LLC in three regions of North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific, through the nominations and verification processes by the third party all year around. Every year, honorees are selected in three categories of Workforce, Marketplace and Workplace. The Workplace category is in consideration of a company’s programs/initiatives that speak to its culture relative to the support for resources, engagement, celebration and retention of employees who either have a disability or are caring for someone with a disability.

For more information, refer to the news as of 10th November, 2022

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