About us

Deloitte Tohmatsu Family Office Services LLC

Deloitte Tohmatsu Family Office Services LLC (DTFOS) disentangles all manner of complex issues faced by family enterprises, including those related to family governance, succession, philanthropy and asset management, providing a comprehensive one-stop support service with the aim of helping families thrive.

What does Deloitte Tohmatsu Family Office Services LLC (DTFOS) do?

Family office services are beginning to gain prevalence in Japan, drawing the attention of founding families and members of the high-net-worth class who have a serious interest in upholding the family values in terms of legacy planning, asset management/preservation, philanthropy, risk management and others.

As family businesses face increasingly complex issues, especially around governance, reputation and globalization, they turn to family office services for tailored and optimized support, with the expectation of enhanced net worth, support for their philanthropic activities and long-term business development.

Against this backdrop, Deloitte Tohmatsu Family Office Services LLC (DTFOS) was established for the purpose of addressing such issues and concerns faced by family businesses. DTFOS draws on the unique professional expertise and network of the Deloitte Tohmatsu Group to provide families with comprehensive support in achieving multi-generational business continuity and prosperity.

<Five strengths>
  • Outstanding expertise in identifying and resolving diverse issues
  • Impartiality/independence unique to an audit company group
  • Global network spanning more than 150 countries
  • Fully customized one-stop services
  • Extensive track records and experience

Download the Family Office Handbook

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The Family Office Handbook

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Corporate Profile

Company name Deloitte Tohmatsu Family Office Services LLC
April 2024
executive officer  Ryosuke Higuchi
Shin-Tokyo Building, 3-3-1 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0005
+81 (3) 6860 1645

Our Service Offerings

For family businesses to maintain sustainable growth, it is necessary to promote not only the governance of how family members are involved in ownership and management of the family business, but also the enhancement of the value of the family, in relation to asset management and reputation. It is also important to take a global perspective, as there have been many cases of multinational expansion in recent years, with families locating overseas.

DTFOS provides services for these issues in the following areas:


Establishment and ongoing operations of a family office

DTFOS supports the establishment and ongoing operation of family offices with the aim of enhancing the net worth of the family and preserving its philosophy and assets across generations. By planning ahead and making sound decisions, DTFOS can help the family fulfill its mission. We, as DTFOS, support the family in a variety of ways, including providing sophisticated asset management services, establishing asset portfolios, conducting tax planning, keeping track of updates to related systems and precedents worldwide, and helping to maintain family legacies across generations.


Family governance and Family strategy

DTFOS support the establishment of family governance structures, the management of family councils, and succession education. Each time a family transitions to a new generation, the relationships among its growing number of stakeholders become increasingly more complex. The purpose of family governance is to establish rules and processes for effectively managing family businesses and assets through family charters, council operations, next-generation education, conflict resolution, succession planning and more. DTFOS focuses on family governance as a means of ensuring the sustainable prosperity of the family, enhances the transparency of decision-making processes, reconciles the various interests, and helps the family execute strategies to pass down their values and visions to the next generation. In addition, if there is a capital policy or restructuring plan for the future of the family business, we support families in organizing the interests and conditions of the members regarding that strategy and in coordinating interests, enabling families to choose the optimal options.


Succession planning and preparing for contingencies

DTFOS supports the formulation of business succession planning and asset succession planning.

In preparation for an unexpected situation arising in the family or its business, we help to create plans that ensure swift and effective responses to such events. This ensures the smooth continuation of the business and the transfer of management in accordance with the family's wishes.


Philanthropic activities

DTFOS supports designing philanthropic projects and establishment/ongoing operation of foundations, and the creation of funds. We aim to enable the family to make a meaningful contribution to society at large and build a better future. We assist in clarifying their philanthropic vision and developing strategies designed to effectively achieve it. DTFOS identifies the challenges, effective practices, and clear objectives for philanthropic activities, ensuring that these activities are sustainable and impactful.


For more information about our services, click the following link.

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