Performance Magazine - issue 34


Performance Magazine - issue 34

January 2021

It is safe to say that the much anticipated end of 2020 was greatly welcomed and widely embraced, as 2020 will go down as one of the most challenging years in recent times. The combination of a global pandemic, political chaos, the shift to a work from home environment, market volatility and volumes not seen in a lifetime provided unprecedented need for the human ingenuity, leadership and resiliency. Beyond the devastating human toll of the pandemic, investment managers proved that their businesses are resilient; withstanding these shocks and maintaining their value proposition and focus on investor interests and futures. Aided by a rapid market recovery, aggressive and proactive governance and regulatory steps to freeze and then stimulate the economy, investment managers continued to focus on investor value and service. It is with this backdrop that we wish all a Happy New Year and much success in 2021.

As we find ourselves at the end of January enduring experiences reminiscent of 2020, investment managers continue to keep their eye on the ball and to focus on the strategies, levers and new objectives for a promising future ahead.

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