
Corporate Governance

Corporate Governance related services to drive corporate value

Corporate governance is essential to sustainable growth and mid-to long-term corporate value growth. The Deloitte Tohmatsu Group (Deloitte Japan) works closely with global member firms to provide advanced and global corporate governance services.

Main services related to corporate governance

The Deloitte Tohmatsu Group provides a range of services to help clients build corporate governance systems that contribute to corporate value.

Board of directors  

  • Board Effectiveness Evaluation (Advice on Self-evaluation or Third Party Evaluation)
  • Enhancement of Board Effectiveness
  • Board Lab (Support of Interactive Board Workshops)
  • Development Programs for Directors

Audit & Supervisory Board (Members) / Audit Committee

  • Audit & Supervisory Board (Members) Effectiveness Evaluation
  • Audit Committee Effectiveness Evaluation
  • Optimization of Audit & Supervisory Board Staff
  • Development Programs for Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board Members

Organizational Structure

  • Support for Transition of Organizational Structure (Company with Supervisory Committee / Company with Three Committees(Nomination, Audit, and Remuneration))
  • Support for Redesign of Auditing framework due to changes in Organizational Structure

Remuneration / Nomination Committee

  • Executive Remuneration Survey
  • Executive Remuneration System Reform
  • Executive Evaluation System Design
  • Development of Executive Succession Plan · Development of Executives
  • Establishment and Operation of Nomination and Remuneration Committees
  • Development of Group Executive Remuneration System
  • Development and Redesign of Overseas Management Executive Remuneration System
  • Formulation of Retention Plans, etc. of Overseas Executives etc. due to M&A

Disclosure / Engagement

  • ESG / CSR Advisory Service
  • Integrated Reporting Advisory Service
  • IR (Investor Relations) Advisory Service 

Deloitte Tohmatsu Corporate Governance Library


The Deloitte Tohmatsu Group has released various interviews, surveys and research reports on corporate governance. View our Deloitte Tohmatsu Corporate Governance Library for more information.


Center for Corporate Governance

The Deloitte Tohmatsu Group provides information on corporate governance around the world to companies through its portal site at the Center for Corporate Governance. Deloitte member firms from all over the world, including Japan, work closely together to support global corporate governance activities of global companies.

For more information, please contact us from the following

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Masahiko Sugiyama

Masahiko Sugiyama

Partner, Deloitte Tohmatsu Risk Advisory

Mr. Masahiko (Matt) Sugiyama is a country leader of strategic, operational, and regulatory risk services in Japan.  Matt has extensive experience leading projects to establish governance, risk managem... More

Masahiko Kitazume

Masahiko Kitazume

Partner, Deloitte Tohmatsu Risk Advisory

Masahiko Kitazume (Masa) is a partner of Risk Advisory of DTT Japan. Masa has significant experiences with M&A advisory services such as restructuring, business evaluation, and so on. Masa also provid... More


Yasushi Muranaka

Yasushi Muranaka

Deloitte Tohmatsu Consulting Partner

Yasushi Muranaka is a Human Capital Partner and leads M&A HC team in Japan. He has been with Deloitte for approx. three years and prior to Deloitte he was with M&A/HR consulting teams within other Big... More