How Conduct Watch protects your people and organisation
No one is immune from the business and reputational risks that arise from misconduct and fraud. Don’t wait for the worst to happen.
Conduct Watch provides a complete whistleblowing solution that can help accelerate the identification, response, resolution, and reporting of wrongdoing.
Reduce business risk and foster a healthier workplace culture
Employees are your greatest assets. They need to have a safe and transparent workplace environment where they are empowered to speak up. Conduct Watch can help you protect your reputation, people and assets by providing a secure and anonymous reporting channel for concerns to be safely raised.
Why whistleblowing matters in Malaysia
We understand the importance of maintaining transparency and accountability in today’s business environment. Conduct Watch aims to help organisations in Malaysia and globally uphold these values by providing a secure, reliable, and independent platform for whistleblowing. Discover how our platform can benefit your organisation, enhance your reputation and drive business success in Malaysia and beyond.
In Malaysia, the Guidelines on Adequate Procedures recommend that companies establish accessible, confidential, and trusted whistleblowing channels. These channels encourage the reporting of suspected and real corruption incidents, in line with Section 17A of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) Act, enforced on June 1, 2020. By adhering to these guidelines, organisations in Malaysia can demonstrate their commitment to ethical practices and compliance with local regulations.
In 2021, business leaders reported 41% increase in whistleblower reports which is likely to rise further |
Out of all fraud cases that are discovered within organisations 33% of cases are exposed by whistleblowers |
Whistleblowing reports have confirmed that 58% of organisations considers whistleblowing as high priority |
Each year companies lose on average 5% of their turnover to fraud. Twice as much as companies without a whistleblowing programme |
42% of schemes were detected by tip, and half of those tips came from employees |
In 2022 46% of organisations have updated their whistleblowing programmes |

Read our 2024 Conduct Watch survey report here:
A whistleblowing solution that is safe, secure and easy to use
Building trust is key, which is why independence matters to us. Our localised whistleblowing system in Malaysia makes speaking up easy, efficient and secure.
How Conduct Watch works
What is the process when someone wants to report an incident through our Conduct Watch whistleblowing solution? These are the steps:
The whistleblower can choose their preferred channel, fill out a simple form in their local language and opt to be anonymous if they wish.
Deloitte’s team of whistleblowing analysts manages the reporting channels and will serve as the first point of contact. The team will handle the reports in terms of taking the calls, gathering information, translating, preparing a summary, preparing a report, providing recommendations and adding attachments.
The reports will be then routed to the designated stakeholder (case manager) within your organisation. At this stage, the team will also determine if there is any conflict of interest and prevent tipping-off by escalating the reports to an alternative stakeholder.
The reports will be then routed to the designated stakeholder (case manager) within your organisation. At this stage, the team will also determine if there is any conflict of interest and prevent tipping-off by escalating the reports to an alternative stakeholder.
Reports trigger an immediate email notification to the designated case manager, who begins the investigation. The whistleblower receives updates when there is a response.
Whichever channel is used, the whistleblower is provided a reference number and a password to access the whistleblowing platform, giving them a secure way to check on case progress, receive updates, and add additional details or attachments if requested — even if the report is made anonymously.
As the case manager continues with the investigation, they communicate with relevant individuals within the organisation to decide on the best course of action.
To better understand our Conduct Watch whistleblowing system and all the case management functions available, book a demo with us
Whichever channel is used, the whistleblower is provided a reference number and a password to access the whistleblowing platform, giving them a secure way to check on case progress, receive updates, and add additional details or attachments if requested — even if the report is made anonymously.
As the case manager continues with the investigation, they communicate with relevant individuals within the organisation to decide on the best course of action.
To better understand our Conduct Watch whistleblowing system and all the case management functions available, book a demo with us
Why Deloitte?
With more than 20 years of experience, Deloitte offers a bespoke whistleblowing solution designed to meet your organisation's specific needs. Our comprehensive and enhanced platform equips you to navigate the complexities of ethical reporting with confidence. We provide the support and resources necessary to effectively address concerns, fostering a culture of openness and accountability within your organisation.
As part of the Deloitte global network, we leverage our extensive teams to support your whistleblowing needs. Our global presence allows us to provide multilingual support and translations, ensuring that your reporting platform accommodates a diverse range of languages and cultural contexts. This enhances our ability to address your unique challenges and promote open communication throughout your organisation. By drawing on our international expertise, we deliver a comprehensive solution that effectively meets your specific requirements and fosters a culture of transparency and accountability.
Our whistleblowing solution is designed with your organisation in mind, tailored to complement and enhance your existing processes. We offer a customisable platform with multiple reporting channels, ensuring seamless integration with your specific needs. Additionally, we tailor branding and messaging to align with your internal communications, creating a cohesive experience that resonates with your workforce.
Our whistleblowing solution combines digital efficiency with a personal touch, offering you direct access to our dedicated team for any assistance you may need. Backed by the Deloitte network, we provide comprehensive end-to-end support that addresses all aspects of your organisational needs. This approach ensures timely assistance while creating a user-friendly experience that prioritises your employees' comfort and confidence in the reporting process.
Our whistleblowing solution features streamlined processes that are accessible anytime, anywhere. This flexibility empowers your workforce to report concerns conveniently, regardless of time or location. By making reporting easy and accessible, we promote a culture of openness and accountability throughout your organisation.
What our clients say about us
Whistleblowing FAQ
A whistleblowing system is a reporting system for employees to raise concerns about unfair, illegal or unethical activity in the workplace. At the core of an effective whistleblowing system is the availability of trusted channels of communication that are secure, guarantee anonymity, and allow for timely communication and feedback with the whistleblower. This makes it possible for a whistleblower to safely report issues or wrongdoing without fear of reprisal.
A whistleblowing system is a reporting system for employees to raise concerns about unfair, illegal or unethical activity in the workplace. At the core of an effective whistleblowing system is the availability of trusted channels of communication that are secure, guarantee anonymity, and allow for timely communication and feedback with the whistleblower. This makes it possible for a whistleblower to safely report issues or wrongdoing without fear of reprisal.
Whistleblowing plays a pivotal role in upholding ethical standards and regulatory compliance. It remains one of the most effective measures to help organisations uncover and address unethical behaviour. Having a whistleblowing system in place facilitates bringing wrongdoing to a company’s attention before it escalates, thereby preventing serious harm and reducing losses.
Specific to corruption, the establishment of whistleblowing channels has been identified as an important procedure for Malaysian companies to try and ensure that they have a defence in the event that a corporate liability offence under Section 17A of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission Act 2009 (MACC Act) is committed. The Guidelines on Adequate Procedures, which were issued by the Prime Minister’s Office to assist commercial organisations to put in place the necessary procedures to prevent the occurrence of corrupt practices, recommended that company management establish proper reporting (whistleblowing) channels and encourage the use of these channels to report suspected and/or real corruption incidents.
Conduct Watch can help to protect your reputation, people and business by providing a secure and anonymous reporting channel for concerns to be safely raised by employees.
- It is estimated that organisations lose 5% of revenue to fraud each year.
- From 2018-2020, 45% of Malaysian companies had experienced fraud, corruption or some form of economic crime, and 24% of these companies reported direct losses of USD1 million or more from their most serious incident
- Tips were the most common way frauds came to light, with 43% of cases being uncovered due to a tip from a whistleblower.
- This is more than three times as many cases as any other detection mechanism – showing that whistleblowing is significantly more effective than internal controls like audits or management reviews.
- Organisations with whistleblower hotlines experienced a 50% reduction in both the median loss from fraud schemes and the duration required to detect these schemes, compared to organisations without such hotlines
Specific to corruption, the establishment of whistleblowing channels has been identified as an important procedure for Malaysian companies to try and ensure that they have a defence in the event that a corporate liability offence under Section 17A of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission Act 2009 (MACC Act) is committed. The Guidelines on Adequate Procedures, which were issued by the Prime Minister’s Office to assist commercial organisations to put in place the necessary procedures to prevent the occurrence of corrupt practices, recommended that company management establish proper reporting (whistleblowing) channels and encourage the use of these channels to report suspected and/or real corruption incidents.
Conduct Watch can help to protect your reputation, people and business by providing a secure and anonymous reporting channel for concerns to be safely raised by employees.
From 31 March to 1 May 2023, Deloitte launched its inaugural Asia Pacific Conduct Watch survey to canvas the opinions of business leaders across Asia Pacific with oversight of whistleblowing programs, in order to gather insights into organisational capabilities and attitudes towards whistleblowing.
Click here to access the 2023 Asia Pacific Conduct Watch Survey Report: Download the full report
Click here to access the 2023 Asia Pacific Conduct Watch Survey Report: Download the full report
In Malaysia, under the Whistleblower Protection Act 2010, you would need to make a report to an enforcement agency regarding any improper conduct, which is defined as “any conduct which if proved, constitutes a disciplinary offence or a criminal offence”.
Section 10 of the Act states that whistleblowers and any persons related or associated to the whistleblower are protected from detrimental action in reprisal for a disclosure of improper conduct. It appears that legal protection afforded to whistleblowers in Malaysia is still less extensive than that set out in the EU Whistleblowing Directive.
As the law only allows reports to be made to enforcement agencies which are empowered by the law to deal with whistleblowing, whistleblowers cannot avail themselves of protection if they make reports of misconduct to their employers or the media.
Section 10 of the Act states that whistleblowers and any persons related or associated to the whistleblower are protected from detrimental action in reprisal for a disclosure of improper conduct. It appears that legal protection afforded to whistleblowers in Malaysia is still less extensive than that set out in the EU Whistleblowing Directive.
As the law only allows reports to be made to enforcement agencies which are empowered by the law to deal with whistleblowing, whistleblowers cannot avail themselves of protection if they make reports of misconduct to their employers or the media.
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