Gen AI use case: Knowledge assistant

Case studies

Gen AI use case: Knowledge assistant for a global energy company

Smart knowledge retrieval and summarization integrated in existing Yammer knowledge platform

Gen AI Lab Programme

Our new Gen AI Lab Programme is a dedicated “show me don’t tell me space”, a ‘birth place’ and site for customer events and collaboration. When it comes to Gen AI, we’ll be offering a whole tool kit of collaborative hackathons, labs and design sprints, to help customers make the most of this game-changing innovation.

Reach out
If you’re curious about how Gen AI or how our Lab Programme can transform your company, please fill in the form on this page to stay up to date on Gen AI insights and to let us know your interest in a personalized lab for your company. We’d love to hear about your challenges and share how AI can galvanise your business.

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Gen AI Lab Programme

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