WBSO subsidie in 2023


European Innovation Fund 

Start early to be successful

The European Innovation Fund launched its fourth call for funding proposals for large-scale projects on 23 November 2023. The available budget of EUR 4 billion is aimed at fostering the deployment of industrial solutions to decarbonise Europe, sharing its objectives with the RepowerEU initiative. The deadline for submitting applications is 9 April 2024.

November 2023

In short

The Innovation Fund is aimed at fostering the deployment of industrial solutions to decarbonize Europe, sharing its objectives with the RepowerEU initiative. Therefore, it provides for a subsidy for innovative large investment projects (CAPEX > € 2.5 million) that lead to a significant CO2 reduction.

Read more in our news-alert, click here or download it via the button on this page.

The deadline for submitting applications is 9 April 2024, enabling interested parties to put together their proposal(s) within a decent timeframe.

Gi3 alert november 2023

Do you need support?

Companies are likely to benefit from starting to formulate their funding proposal projects now. With a combination of scientific experts and teams specialising in sustainability, finance, as well as grants and incentives, Deloitte is well positioned to help you match your sustainability ambitions with European funding opportunities.

In addition, having already secured for more than EUR 250 million Innovation Fund financing for its clients, Deloitte Gi3 is the perfect advisor to accompany you in the assessment of your project and the drafting of your application.

Contact us

Corjan Visser

Corjan Visser


In Deloitte’s Global Investment and Innovation Incentives (Gi3) team, I’m supporting clients to realize their corporate ambitions by building achievable innovation projects. This support involves buil... More

Jeroen van Dijk

Jeroen van Dijk

Senior Manager

Met 15 jaar ervaring, ben ik in oktober 2013 begonnen bij Global Investment & Innovation Incentives (Gi3). Ik heb een focus op de energie-intensieve industrie waar duurzaamheid en innovatie een blijve... More