The Global Mobile Consumer Survey: The Nordic Cut

Welcome to the Nordic Cut of Deloitte’s 2020 Digital Consumer Trends (previously known as the Global Mobile Consumer Survey), a multi-country survey of digital service users in Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland. The 2020 study comprises 5000 respondents across the Nordics.

This year marks 10 years of Deloitte releasing these insights. With a decade of research under our belt, we thought it fitting to rebrand the survey in line with today’s trends. With consumers having access to a plethora of devices and no longer limited to just mobile phones, Digital Consumer Trends seems like a more fitting title for the survey – we hope you agree.

To incite you to dive further into the report findings, we would like to provide a sneak peek of what awaits in this year’s report.

Lockdown digital behaviours and satisfaction with working from home
As the world entered various levels of lockdowns to stop the spread of COVID-19, the smartphone became a social lifeline for people. In fact, more than one third of the Nordic respondents believe their smartphones have helped them feel less isolated during the pandemic. Another consequence of COVID-19 is the increased use of home offices. It appears that the Nordic respondents are divided on whether they find working from home easier or more difficult than working from the office. You can learn more about all of this in section one.

Consumer appetite for 5G and how smartphones could change the financial sector
The 5G network is being deployed across the Nordics, but the Nordic consumers’ adoption of 5G may be influenced by misleading information and lack of knowledge. This may have led to a growing hesitance to switch to 5G among the Nordic respondents. While it is certain that 5G will increase speed compared to 4G, it is uncertain whether smartphones will replace the need for human interaction in the financial sector. Even though smartphones combine all the capabilities needed to manage personal finances, the Nordic respondents indicate that human interaction is still very much preferred in some situations related to financial matters. You can read more about this in section two.

Smartphone usage to consume audio, video, games, news and social media
As COVID-19 kept people from leaving their homes, they seem to have increased their overall media consumption. This is also true in the Nordics, where streaming service providers seem to have especially benefitted from this. Furthermore, we are witnessing the first punches in the Nordic video streaming war as new entrants are challenging the current Nordic frontrunner, Netflix. Visit the third and final sections to get all the details.

Like last year, the report includes four interesting industry spotlights (Retail, Telecom, Public Sector, and Financial Services) that dive into industry-specific digital trends.

We hope that you find the insights interesting. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us for further conversations based on the content.

Jonas Malmlund

Head of Technology, Media & Telecommunications in Sweden and in the Nordics

Joachim Gullaksen

Head of Technology, Media & Telecommunications in Norway

Frederik Behnk

Head of Technology, Media & Telecommunications in Denmark

Jukka-Petteri Suortti

Head of Technology, Media & Telecommunications in Finland