


Cyber Risk


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Evolve securely in a dynamic, digital world

Effective cyber risk management gives business leaders confidence to take full advantage of technological opportunities. And greater confidence can enable your company to realize innovation-powered growth while evolving securely.

Whether working with market-leading companies, groundbreaking start-ups, or national governments, Deloitte is a trusted partner that:

  • Helps clients drive the world forward with our depth of technical knowledge, breadth of industry expertise, and business acumen
  • Drives innovation and invests in emerging technologies, ensuring we’re equipped with the right tools for current and future challenges
  • Offers a comprehensive suite of cyber solutions to address end-to-end client needs

We work with clients to solve complex problems; drive progress in a dynamic, digital world; and build more confident futures—for business, for people, and for the planet.

Cyber risk services

As a worldwide leader in cyber strategy consulting and cyber intelligence, Deloitte offers a fully customizable suite of cyber solutions and managed services. With a commitment to technological innovation and broad industry expertise, our Deloitte global network gives us the insight and experience to face any scenario.

Burst of light in a circle on a black background

Our cyber risk management services include:

Worldwide leader in cyber risk management

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A global network of Cyber Intelligence Centers

As cyber threats evolve and become more complex, many business leaders recognize they can’t manage the challenge alone. That’s why Deloitte member firms provide a global network of more than 30 Cyber Intelligence Centers (CICs) that operate around the clock, 365 days of the year. Our CICs provide fully customizable managed security solutions to meet the increasing market demand in cybersecurity services.

Our solutions include:

  • Advanced security event monitoring
  • Threat analytics
  • Cyber threat intelligence and management
  • Incident response

Coverage every day of the year

A trusted partner and thought leader

Deloitte Cyber Risk has led the way—in practice and in thought leadership—through every era of cyber risk, from compliance to resilience to complexity. Learn more about:

  • Our Deloitte Insights articles on cyber risk management 
  • Innovation and research from member firms
  • Case studies that demonstrate the value we provide to clients
  • Recognition from the marketplace on our leadership in security consulting services
Half of the globe with bright light beside it

Thought leadership

A collection of thought leadership publications from around the globe:

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Why Deloitte

Our heritage, built on deep technology expertise, broad industry experience, and a comprehensive suite of solutions, covers every aspect of cyber risk management. In addition, we:

  • Push the boundaries of cybersecurity risk strategy and create new avenues for innovation by partnering with global leaders
  • Develop new knowledge for cyber risk and upscale the industry by cultivating best-in-class expertise
  • Strengthen cyber risk standards for organizations worldwide by investing in cutting-edge technology
  • Make a bigger impact on our client’s operations to drive progress by offering a comprehensive suite of solutions across strategy, implementation, and managed services

As new technologies emerge and connectivity increases, Deloitte Cyber Risk is uniquely positioned to help our clients navigate this complex and uncertain landscape.

Earth from outer space

Cyber everywhere

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吳佳翰 Chia-han Wu

吳佳翰 Chia-han Wu


吳佳翰先生現任勤業眾信聯合會計師事務所顧問業務服務營運長。具備十四年資訊科技領域工作經驗,其中十一年與資訊保全相直接相關。專精電腦網路、資訊保全、電腦刑事領域、電子商務及網路保全、密碼保全系統等領域之應用與研發工作;在有線及無線網路環境中,為人力或技術問題創建整體保全解決方案。... 更多