Posted: 17 Aug. 2022 3 min. read

5 podcast episodes to take a break with this summer

Ah, summer. Holidays and glorious sunshine. Sandy toes and sun hats. A good book under a shady tree. Moments of utter relaxation… That’s always the plan, isn’t it? And on some days, it happens. But sometimes long days leave us with a little more to juggle…

When it comes to taking care of ourselves over the summer months, it’s not just sun lotion that should become part of our daily routine. While The Green Room podcast takes some time to recharge ahead of the second part of season six, we thought we’d point you in the direction of five episodes that will help you to prioritise your wellbeing this summer. 

Each podcast is around half an hour, so make it your excuse to sit back, relax, and get those feet in the paddling pool while you listen – you’ve earned it. And you’ll be able to take what you learn with you into September. Happy listening!

Episode #35: How do we create work that’s good for our wellbeing?

First on our playlist is an episode all about workplace wellbeing. Over the last few years, we’ve all learnt some valuable lessons about what we really want from work. And while we don’t have all the answers just yet, many of us are trying to make the most of new ways of working.  

But let’s be honest, it can be hard to get the balance right sometimes. So, when it comes to hybrid working, how can we make sure that taking care of ourselves, and each other, are at the heart of it all? We were lucky to be joined by a mindfulness leader from Headspace for this episode, so tune in to hear lots of helpful advice about how we can all be more mindful in a way that works us.

Episode #14: Why do we think about physical and mental health differently?

It’s back to season two for our next recommendation, which explores our differing attitudes to our physical and mental health, and shares what we can all do to be kinder to our mind.

Our hosts were joined by Steve Larke, consulting partner and mental health ambassador, and mental health campaigner Geoff McDonald to explore the reasons we don’t always look after our mental health until we must, and why we’re more likely to make time to go to the gym than we are to take time out for our mental wellbeing. 

Does this sound like you? Then it might be worth a listen! 

Episode #40: Could technology make us more active?

Ever find yourself scrolling on your smartphone for a little too long in your free time? Us too. It’s true, we’d all benefit from less time on our devices and more time being active. Technology may be gluing us to our sofas and office chairs, but can it also be what’s going to get more of us moving?

It’s all up for discussion in episode 40 and we invited tennis coach and mum of Andy and James, Judy Murray, to join us. During our chat she shared the unexpected places that we can all find inspiration to pick up a racket, put on our trainers or try something new – no matter our background, location or ability.

On that note, why not get your trainers on, put your headphones in, and take this episode for a walk to see how many steps you can do while you listen? 

Episode #5: Will I ever feel good enough for my job?

Have you ever questioned whether you’re good enough? Afraid people will find out you’re not capable? Felt like a fraud? You’re not alone. Imposter syndrome affects 70% of people at some point in their lives.

Next on our playlist, we’re taking you way back to season one, when our podcast was only just getting started (we’re getting old…). 

Our guests, Sharon and Poppy, share their own experiences of coping with imposter syndrome, as the first female executive at Deloitte and the CEO of the City Mental Health Alliance. Listen in and be inspired. 

Episode #41: Where do you start when everything matters?

So much to do, so little time. Sound familiar? Well, many of us are now adding ‘save the planet’ onto our already very long to-do-lists but where, and how, do we start?

Hannah Jones, CEO of The Earthshot Prize, joined us for this episode. She’s someone who knows a thing or two about getting stuff done – particularly when it comes to protecting our planet. Hannah shared the approach she uses to make difficult but impactful decisions, and reminded us of the importance of finding inspiration in the everyday.

Ever feel like things are getting a bit too much? Well, this is us telling you to put down that to-do-list, take a break and listen to episode 41. It might help you find your focus and get to that breakthrough moment. 

Thanks for reading. Want more? You’ll find all previous episodes of The Green Room here, or you can subscribe wherever you usually listen to your podcasts! And if it’s more blog posts you’re looking for, check out Inside The Green Room.

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Alice Tew

Alice Tew

Content & Communities Assistant Manager

Alice is part of our Creative Content team in the UK.