
Podcast series: Future of Manufacturing

What’s on the horizon for Future of Manufacturing?

Future of Construction

Michelle Meisels, Principal, US Engineering & Construction Leader, Deloitte Consulting LLP
Aijaz Hussain, Research & Insights Leader, Deloitte Services LP
Sami Alami, Senior Manager, Deloitte Consulting LLP

Changes in customer demand, the nature and economics of construction, and the realities of the modern construction supply chain have altered the way engineering and construction firms tend to do business. Construction is no longer simply about building unique structures and physical infrastructure. In this episode, Michelle, Aijaz and Sami discuss the fundamental shifts that are happening to push E&C firms to explore radically new ways of creating and capturing value as they make the leap toward the fourth industrial revolution.

Read the report: The future of the construction industry

Smart energy management for industrials

Paul Wellener, vice chairman, US Industrial Products & Construction leader, Deloitte Consulting LLP
Jim Thomson, vice chairman, US Power, Utilities & Renewables leader, Deloitte Consulting LLP

Energy management is becoming a growing component of business strategy. Industrial companies are looking more closely at their energy profiles to identify opportunities for cost reduction, decarbonization, and resilience. In this episode, our energy and industrial leaders, Jim and Paul, discuss converging trends that will likely accelerate industrial companies’ adoption of energy management solutions and potentially boost their interaction with electric utilities and the grid.

Access the related report: Smart energy management for industrials: An ecosystem approach to reduce energy costs and achieve ESG goals

Smart energy management for industrials

Listen to the podcast

2021 aerospace and defense industry outlook

Paul Wellener, vice chairman, US Industrial Products & Construction leader, Deloitte LLP
Robin Lineberger, US & Global Aerospace & Defense leader, Deloitte Consulting LLP

The commercial aerospace industry could remain challenged, while the defense sector is expected to be stable in 2021 after a difficult year in 2020. In this episode, Paul and Robin discuss the six trends that companies in the aerospace and defense industry can expect in the year ahead.

Read the report: 2021 aerospace and defense industry outlook

2021 manufacturing industry outlook

Stanley Porter, vice chairman, US Energy, Resources & Industrials leader, Deloitte Consulting LLP­
Paul Wellener, vice chairman, US Industrial Products & Construction leader, Deloitte Consulting LLP

2020 has been a year like no other in recent history, and the US manufacturing industry has felt the impact. Along with declines in production, forced shutdowns in the early days of the pandemic caused a significant dip in manufacturing employment levels. In this episode, Stanley and Paul discuss four trends for the year ahead that may impact the industry in the year ahead.

Read the report: 2021 manufacturing industry outlook

2021 engineering and construction industry outlook

Paul Wellener, Vice Chairman, US Industrial Products & Construction Leader, Deloitte Consulting LLP
Michelle Meisels
, Principal, US Engineering & Construction Leader, Deloitte Consulting LLP

The US engineering and construction industry began 2020 on a bright note—and then COVID-19 hit. Despite the challenges that have resulted, there are reasons to be optimistic. In this episode, Paul and Michelle discuss five engineering and construction industry trends that will impact the coming year, from connected construction to new business models.

Read the report: 2021 engineering and construction industry outlook

Interview with the authors of "Digital Supply Networks" book­

Paul Wellener, vice chairman, US Industrial Products & Construction leader, Deloitte Consulting LLP­
Amit Sinha, specialist leader, Deloitte Consulting LLP­
Dr. Thorsten Wuest, assistant professor, West Virginia University­ ­

Digital technologies are quickly transforming supply chain management processes. In order to remain competitive, manufacturers are shifting their supply-demand systems to digital supply networks. In this episode, two of the authors of the Digital Supply Networks book share examples and insight from their experiences on transforming supply chains.­ ­

About the book: Digital Supply Networks book

Navigating the energy transition from disruption to growth: Energy and industrial companies are positioned for a lower-carbon future

Stanley Porter, vice chairman, US Energy, Resources & Industrials leader, Deloitte LLP­
Kate Hardin, e
xecutive director, Deloitte Research Center for Energy & Industrials, Deloitte Services LP

It’s great to buy an electric vehicle, but if you are charging that car on power that’s generated on coal, you’re not really making a big difference. If you’re charging that car on power that’s generated with renewables then you are making a much bigger difference in terms of carbon reduction.

Are we getting closer to a lower-carbon future? Deloitte’s energy transition survey reveals the drive to cleaner energy sources continues to sustain momentum, even amid economic headwinds. In this episode, Host Tanya Ott discusses the report findings with authors Stanley and Kate. They share how companies are engineering change across six key channels—and how the COVID-19 crisis could actually accelerate the clean energy transition.

Access the related report: Navigating the energy transition from disruption to growth

Impact of COVID-19 on manufacturing in the United States

Paul Wellener, IP&C leader, Deloitte US

Paul Wellener, Deloitte US Industrial Products & Construction leader, gives his perspective on the impact of COVID-19 on manufacturing in the United States. He shares that US manufacturing companies are most focused on the health and safety of their people and are developing plans for a staggered approach to restarting operations. He also shares how some US manufacturers have pivoted their production to making things like personal protective equipment and ventilators. Paul discusses how manufacturers are thinking through the structural changes that they may want to make in their global supply chains and their global supply networks.

Smart factories: Trends in adoption, maturity, and value realization

Interview with Paul Wellener and Ben Dollar

Achieving value from smart factory initiatives requires a significant amount of change to how work gets done, how people work, how metrics are calculated to really drive that value and create true capability versus simply installing technologies.

Manufacturers are digitizing and connecting factories to realize the benefits of the fourth industrial revolution. What opportunities and challenges are they encountering as they shift toward smart factories, and how are human and cyber roles changing? We'll discuss:

  • The maturity roadmap for smart factories and where manufacturers are today.
  • Common digital capabilities of smart factories and how manufacturers are measuring their value.
  • How digitization and automation are changing manufacturing jobs and preparations manufacturers can make for future workforce needs.
  • Challenges that could affect stakeholders' success.
  • Participants will learn results of a recent Deloitte and MAPI survey and key decisions manufacturers are making as they build smart factories.

Read the whole report.  

The positive impact of Industrial Digital Transformation

Interview with Helena Lisachuk

A digital transformation journey starts with understanding your customer...

Here is the beginning of a 3-part series on Internet of Things (IoT) and Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) with Helena Lisachuk, Global IoT leader, Deloitte Netherlands.

What is Digital Transformation and why is it important for businesses? In this episode, Helena explains Industry 4.0 is a journey and IOT is one of its key pillars. The journey begins with understanding the customer, core processes, priorities, and bottle-necks to resolve.

Read our report: Manufacturing goes digital: Smart factories have the
potential to spark labor productivity

Urban Air Mobility: What remains to be done in the race to autonomy?

Interview with Robin Lineberger

If you look at what the challenges are at ultimate adoption, you've got the infrastructure, vehicles, and then finally you have, the need to say it tongue in cheek, if we build it, will they come.

Live from CES 2020, Robin Lineberger, US and Global leader, Aerospace & Defense, elaborated on what remains to be done in the “race to autonomy” for the wide-scale adoption of Urban Air Mobility, or air taxis. He shared highlights from Deloitte’s 2019 global automotive consumer survey about consumer perception towards UAM and the major milestones in order to gain consumer confidence.

Read the full report.

A one-stop Industry 4.0 solution (Global)

Interview with Vincent Rutgers

Companies have now started thinking about implications of the transition to Industry 4.0, what it means for them, and what it brings along.

Live from IoT Solutions World Congress, Vincent Rutgers, Global leader, Industrial Products & Construction interviewed with Industrial Internet Consortium (IIC) Voice Podcast. He talks about the power of a comprehensive solution that understands the impact of Industry 4.0 from the point of the asset to cyber security through international tax treatment for optimal success.

Watch the full video.

Emerging Smart Factory Trailblazers: Capturing along the Digital Journey

Interview with Paul Wellener

50 percent of the organizations are investigating or investing in things around smart factories—we call them trailblazers.

Deloitte and MAPI collaborated on a study in which they found that smart factories have the potential to spark labor productivity. We found that there are three distinct cohorts of adopters of smart factory initiatives: Trailblazers, Explorers, and Followers. The Trailblazers are leading the way; in fact, they are seeing twice the level of gains to labor productivity compared with Explorers and Followers combined. In this podcast, Paul Wellener, Vice Chairman, US Industrial Products & Construction at Deloitte Consulting LLP, shares highlights of the study and how all manufacturers can derive business value from smart factory initiatives.

Read the full report: Manufacturing goes digital: Smart factories have the potential to spark labor productivity

Embracing Industry 4.0: Technology Adoption in Manufacturing

Interview with Paul Wellener

Technology is changing pretty rapidly, so companies are having to think about changing their factories as well.

Industry 4.0 promises a new digital revolution―one that synthesizes advanced manufacturing technologies to generate connected, intelligent systems that can accelerate business value. Yet manufacturers are struggling to adapt. In this podcast, Paul Wellener, Vice Chairman, US Industrial Products & Construction at Deloitte Consulting LLP, shares insights on how manufacturers can thrive in this new, digital world.

Read the full report: Manufacturing goes digital: Smart factories have the potential to spark labor productivity

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