
Confident, whatever the outlook

Seize opportunities during times of uncertainty

The volatile global economic environment is starting to have an impact on the mindset of Canadian business leaders, who play a vital role in determining how well their organization responds to events in an unpredictable economy. Their confidence is, therefore, imperative. The first step to maintaining that confidence is to stay informed about developments in the economy and understand how these affect the business.

Uncertain times can also yield unique opportunities for Canadian companies to invigorate their business. Deloitte can show you how to spot and take advantage of them.

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Disrupting the bear, a podcast by Deloitte

It’s impossible to turn on the news these days without hearing about trade wars, market volatility, and a potential global economic slowdown. Naturally, this is concerning for Canadian companies, with various national business confidence indexes jumping up and down recently.

Over five episodes, Deloitte will explore the causes of the slowdown and share stories, advice, and ideas on what Canadian companies can do to stay competitive and get ahead of the pack. While many companies may feel like it’s time to hibernate, if anything they should be taking the opposite track and look for ways to activate their business: investing when interest rates are low, expanding when others are holding back, testing new ideas that could move the needle and more. Tune in and hear about what Canadian companies can do to stay competitive and rebound ready for growth.

*Click on the left and right arrows for more podcasts

Listen and subscribe to Disrupting the bear, a podcast by Deloitte

Get in touch

The first step to maintaining confidence in any economic outcome is to start planning now. Become more resilient to events in the business cycle and position your organization to seize opportunities even in a potential downturn.

Learn more about how Deloitte can help you prepare for an uncertain economy, take advantage of the opportunities that arise, and emerge stronger than ever.
