
Hong Kong Tax Brochure

This series of brochures aim to provide investors with a high-level overview of the current tax policy in Hong Kong, plus information on tax incentives, compliance, transfer pricing, anti-avoidance rules, and tax treaties.

Published date: 27 June 2024

Hong Kong Tax and Investment Guide

Hong Kong Tax and Investment Guide
[English] [Simplified Chinese]


Hong Kong Tax Incentive Brochures

[English] [Simplified Chinese]

[English] [Simplified Chinese]

Research and development
[English] [Simplified Chinese]

Carried interest
[English] [Simplified Chinese]

Patent box
[English] [Simplified Chinese]

Family office
[English] [Simplified Chinese]

Aircraft leasing
[English] [Simplified Chinese]

Corporate treasury centers
[English] [Simplified Chinese]

Ship leasing
[English] [Simplified Chinese]

Shipping-related activities
[English] [Simplified Chinese]

Hong Kong Tax Regime Brochures

Foreign-sourced income exemption regime
[English] [Simplified Chinese][Korea]

Tax certanity enhancement shceme for onshore gains on disposal of equity interests
[English] [Simplified Chinese]


New Annual Financial Return Filing for BVI Companies
[English] [Simplified Chinese]

BPS Service Offerings
[English] [Simplified Chinese]

Abolition of the MPF-Long Service Payment (LSP) offsetting mechanism in Hong Kong
[English] [Simplified Chinese]

Empowering Startups with Tailored Business Process Solutions
[English] [Simplified Chinese]

Business Process Solutions - Human Resources and Payroll Service Offerings
[English] [Simplified Chinese]


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