Changing directions
Rethinking working and commuting in the GTA

Toronto is a world class city, but the debate on regional congestion does not consider commuters’ needs sufficiently to have the impact desired. It is no longer enough to simply build more lanes, or add more trains. Employers and transportation stakeholders in the GTA must expand their perspective to consider commuting for what it really is—an individual process of moving between home and work. To address commuter woes, we need to expand the conversation beyond "transportation infrastructure" to facilitate a stronger partnership between governments, employers, developers, and commuters themselves.

To improve commuting, we need to understand commuters

To drive toward better commuting solutions, we must bring commuters into the conversation. Commuting, as a process, is fundamentally rooted in personal experience. Every commuter is an expert in commuting, someone who can lend valuable, actionable insight to the conversation.

Five archetypal commuters—Lin-He, Carol, Robert, Peter and Kat—offer insight into the diversities of the GTA commuting experience. Understanding their experiences and pain points can help us figure out how to change directions and find better commuting solutions.

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At Deloitte, we believe Canada can continue to be the undisputed best place in the world to live and work over the next 25 years. Canada at 175 is our multi-year research initiative to study the issues at the heart of Canada’s future success and provide a perspective on our path to prosperity.