Tax return preparation and review
Deloitte has approached the administratively demanding preparation of the tax return in an innovative way – thanks to a team of experienced professionals and the Tax Navigator software, it has turned this annual obligation into a smooth and effective process.
Grants and incentives
Use a grant or tax relief to support your research, development or investments.
Tax advisory
Practically every business transaction has certain tax implications and in the increasingly more demanding global environment the management of tax obligations is more and more complex
Transfer pricing
Multinational companies operate in a complicated, constantly changing environment. The increasing volume of intragroup transactions also as the development of transfer pricing rules and their stricter enforcement on the global level make this topic one of the leading areas for group risk management.
International taxation
Legal regulation of international taxation should be monitored not only by companies with activities abroad, but also by many entities that are only active in the Czech Republic.
Mergers and acquisitions services
Our transaction advisory team helps clients address important business matters, including strategic decision-making related to acquisitions, sales and reorganisations of companies as well as their valuation, tax and legal structuring and pre-investment due diligence.
Tax Litigation
We represent clients during tax audits and in court proceedings and we advise them on how to avoid tax disputes. We do not promise the impossible and together we find a solution arising from a realistic assessment of the situation.