Organisations increasingly take responsibility for climate and society. Yet, few know their environmental, social, and financial impact. However, assessing the total impact of your organisation will enable you to strengthen your organisation by maximizing value according to the organisation’s purpose.

Because it covers so many aspects of an organization and its activities, impact assessment can seem like a daunting task and a resource intensive endeavour. Yet, an organisation cannot manage what it does not measure. And at a time where organisations become increasingly mission-driven and society requires more transparency, being able to measure your impact and clearly communicate about it is quickly becoming a tangible value driver.

At Deloitte, we are experts at supporting our clients in assessing and documenting the total impact of their organizations taking into account economic, social, and environmental impacts while considering governance practices.

We can take you through the impact assessment journey by bringing structure and analytical rigour to the nebulous nature of impact. We do this by following international standards, using recognised methodologies, and by leveraging relevant scientific publications and databases. We help you understand and frame your impact by developing your organisation’s theory of change, which we bring to life with our expertise and data insight.

We apply a systematic approach to assess value for money associated with different alternative investments for society, including citizens, companies, and the public sector.

In a market that is increasingly becoming crowded with sustainability claims, and with stakeholders that have growing expectations in this regard, being able to rigorously document and communicate your impact is a differentiator. It is also a strategic enabler, as it empowers you to incorporate impact considerations in your organisational strategy, backed by ad hoc data and KPIs.

” Yes, impact can be measured. And yes, you should get started now.”

Majbritt Skov, Partner and Head of Deloitte Economics

Read more in the blog post Be ready for the impact revolution

How we can help

In Deloitte, we have extensive impact measurement experience. We have developed an approach to capture the complex outcomes created by organisations and convey the value these outcomes generate to stakeholders.

Our team of experts uniquely blends competencies in economics, environmental science, anthropology, strategy, and communication to ensure a commercially driven but holistic approach to impact assessment. We can help you:

  • Place a financial value on the impact that your activities generate
  • Develop data-driven, tailored messages to your stakeholders about the impact you contribute to generate
  • Develop an impact-based strategy for your organisation
  • Develop tailored key performance indicators to measure and monitor your impact
  • Understand the costs and benefits of sustainability for your organisation
  • Formulate a data-driven sustainability strategy
  • Communicate your impact while avoiding accusations of greenwashing.

Want to know more? Find contact information below.

Get in touch

Reach out if you have any questions or want to know more about our Sustainable Strategy & Governance services.


Majbritt Skov

Partner I Climate & Head of Deloitte Economics

+45 30 93 54 71

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