Human Capital services


Human Capital

Business-led, people-driven.

When reimagined, work can be more than a process. It can be an outcome that drives productivity, value and impact by unlocking human potential and creating an organization that is resilient to risk, fit for the future and grounded in meaning for workers whose identity will drive sustained results.

Organizations are being challenged to innovate, digitize, maximize productivity, and create new value, all while reducing risk and contributing to society at a pace that is faster than ever. At the center of all of this is the work itself. When viewed as an outcome, rather than solely a series of processes, work becomes the primary driver of not only productivity, but also innovation, meaning and value.

Deloitte’s Human Capital professionals help organizations drive productivity, value and impact through the organization, the workforce, and HR. Our professionals leverage research, analytics, technology solutions and industry insights to help you:

  • Create an organization that is adaptable to change that can respond to the increasing need for transparency in the era of the Social Enterprise
  • Compose a workforce that drives productivity and value—today and in the future
  • Design all aspects of work in a way that allows the worker to find meaning in the work they perform.

Our services

Organization Transformation & Talent

Deloitte’s OT&T services offers business-oriented and data-driven solutions to drive the transformation agenda to achieve high impact, sustainable results.

HR Transformation

Deloitte’s HR Transformation services drive business value through strategy, the cloud, employee engagement tools, advanced workforce planning & analytics.

Deloitte Insights Talent collection

Sweeping global forces are reshaping the workplace, the workforce, and work itself. Organizations are now rethinking their talent strategies at all stages of the employee lifecycle, vying for top talent in a highly transparent job market and becoming laser-focused on their external employment brand.

Key contact:

Janne Jalava

Janne Jalava

Consulting | Human Capital, Country Lead

Janne Jalava vastaa Deloitten Human Capital -palvelutarjoamasta ja organisaatiotransformaatiopalveluista Suomessa. Jannella on yli 24 vuoden kokemus liikkeenjohdon konsultoinnista ja sen johtamisesta.... Lisää