

Chinese Services Group


Chinese Services Group

Over the past decade, the "Going Global" strategy has been pivotal in propelling the economic transformation of China. It is also driving the overseas expansion of many Chinese companies, which are able to tap the international markets and acquire new technologies and best practices. Opportunities always come along with pitfalls and it is our mission to provide guidance to Chinese companies through what can be something of a minefield during their globalization journey.

Deloitte Chinese Services Group (CSG) aims to provide professional advice and comprehensive solutions for Chinese companies expanding global presence, and multinational companies operating in China, in other words CSG provides support for companies engaged in cross-border investments and business between China and countries of Central and Eastern Europe.
Our Chinese Services Group has an integrated team of specialists in more than 17 Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries and China, and we provide a bespoke and seamless service to our clients with both inbound and outbound activities. Operating as a platform to leverage China expertise, bridge the cultural gap, and to ensure client service excellence, our regional Chinese Services Group, in coordination with Deloitte China, complements a multi-member firm, multi-industry, multifunctional and holistic approach.

Our multi-disciplinary service lines for Chinese investors into the CEE region include:

  • Investment opportunity and risk assessment services
  • Greenfield investment support
  • M&A transactions services, including target identification, transaction evaluation and transaction execution support
  • Cross-border tax and business structuring services
  • Corporate and M&A services, including corporate registrations and reorganizations; national and cross-border mergers acquisitions; divestures and joint-ventures; post-merger integration activities and legal entity reduction; and corporate financing and many others


For more information about our services please download a short introduction brochure

“作为真正专业的服务公司,德勤具备跨职能和行业的广泛的专用跨境网络,能够对全球客户的需求 实时做出响应!”


Lawrence Chia

在中欧投资 –中国服务组中东欧



  • 为接触中国的业内专家和主要决策者提供便利;
  • 作为一个渠道,为您的企业沟通有关中国的时效性法规和更新;
  •  促使中国成为“开门器”,呈现主题的高姿态,提供跨地区和跨部门的本地专业知识。




Get in touch with our expert

Zsolt Vajda

Zsolt Vajda


Zsolt is a Partner in Deloitte Central Europe and he is member of the regional financial services team within the Financial Advisory. He has 16 years of experience in corporate finance, valuation, tra... More

Krisztián Zajácz

Krisztián Zajácz


Krisztian Zajácz is a Financial Advisory Director and the Head of the Chinese Services Group of Deloitte CE, based in Budapest, Hungary. He has over 10 years of combined experience in auditing, financ... More