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Deloitte’s 2021 Global Blockchain Survey

A new age of digital assets

Deloitte’s 2021 Global Blockchain Survey affirms that banks should embrace their inevitable digital future. In a seismic shift, financial leaders increasingly see digital assets as the future.

Explore the key findings

Digital assets are disrupting the entire financial market, and every organization and industry that is a customer of the financial services industry (FSI). Financial instruments, from money to stocks, and the infrastructure for any type of transaction, is changing—for the better.



In our 2021 Global Blockchain Survey, we uncovered several findings that illustrate a seismic shift in financial services resulting from the evolution of blockchain-based digital assets. We also identified a subset of FSI respondents that we term Pioneers—individuals whose organizations have deployed blockchain solutions into production and/or integrated digital assets into their core business activities. What further distinguishes FSI Pioneers is their vision of blockchain and digital assets as a top-five strategic priority.

  • Deposits/Custody
    The fundamental impact on deposits creates an important opportunity for banks and all industries that hold assets.
  • Payments
    We are witnessing a change in the nature of payments, from a separate process that is disconnected from commerce to a more integrated and simultaneous structure.
  • Access to funding
    Jut as with safekeeping and transacting money, lending and capital formation are in for an upgrade.

Deloitte’s 2021 Global Blockchain Survey (PDF)


Key 2021 Global Blockchain Survey findings reinforce the case that digital assets are driving new fundamentals in FSI.

  • The rise of blockchain scalability
    Blockchain’s applicability to myriad industries and applications is now a foregone conclusion – spurring the rapid evolution of digital assets.
    Percentage of respondents who agree that blockchain technology is broadly scalable, and has achieved mainstream adoption.
  • A source of competitive advantage
    Survey respondents overwhelmingly understand that they can gain competitive advantage through blockchain and digital assets.
  • The pursuit of new revenue streams
    The vast majority of survey respondents believe that blockchain/digital asset solutions can help drive new revenue streams in their respective industries.

Read Deloitte’s 2021 Global Blockchain Survey

The proliferation of digital everything is particularly impacting FSI. Our 2021 survey finds that global FSI leaders now see the digital assets imperative as a strategic priority.


Survey data by region

Deloitte’s 2021 Global Blockchain Survey polled a sample of 1,280 senior executives and practitioners in 10 locations: Brazil, China Mainland, Germany, Hong Kong SAR, Japan, Singapore, South Africa, the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom, and the United States. This survey data reflects their opinions and perceptions around blockchain and digital assets.

Global survey
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Asia-Pacific survey
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