
Cyber Intelligence Center 

Deloitte Tohmatsu Group utilizes cyber intelligence from the Cyber Intelligence Center (CIC) of Deloitte companies in individual countries to launch security threat analysis service tackling cyber attacks targeting our clients.

Damage from cyber attacks (targeted attack, etc.) on companies has surged in recent years. These attacks come in many forms, including theft, destruction, and spread of harmful rumors of valuable information assets (technology, production, personal information, etc.), and taking countermeasures against these attacks is a vital issue for companies. In addition, as cyber attacks have become more sophisticated, it is very difficult to deal with them using conventional countermeasures centered on the boundaries of the Internet only. Deloitte Tohmatsu Group utilizes cyber intelligence from the Cyber Intelligence Center (CIC) of Deloitte companies in individual countries to launch security threat analysis service tackling cyber attacks targeting our clients.

Functions of the Cyber Intelligence Center (CIC)

  • Utilizes cyber intelligence to protect clients’ infrastructure from cyber attacks
  • Provides service on a global scale through its bases located in more than 20 countries around the world

Features of the Cyber Intelligence Center (CIC)

  • Provides highly sophisticated cyber intelligence gathered and analyzed in individual countries
  • Analyzes not only boundary devices but also Proxy, DNS, endpoint security, and other products to reduce clients’ incident response workload
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