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How Drivers get energy by working from home 

This is the third post in a four-part series that gives insight on how Drivers get energy by working from home and what they find challenging in this current situation. This is a follow-up from the Introduction post , Pioneers and Guardian posts on What gives you energy when working from home?

Do you recognise a Driver by their motto: “And your point is…?”

The most defining characteristic of the Driver is their focus and competitiveness. To get the results they’re after, they like to calculate the most direct route and tend to stick to that path, no matter what (or who…) gets in their way. This directness infuses everything they do, from making decisions, to interactions with others, to completing their aims. Drivers love a challenge, and they love to challenge.

Drivers are likely to take charge, and often prioritize goals over relationships, so they’re not the warmest of the Types. Don’t expect them to sugarcoat anything, or engage in small talk; that’s a waste of valuable time. As well as being direct, Drivers are logical, technical, and quantitative. When it comes to decision-making they are willing to make tough decisions, but they’ll ask you to provide them with facts and data, so make sure you’re prepared. They’re likely to question what you put in front of them but that’s the Driver way; they thrive on debate and challenge.

Drivers are willing to take a risk, but only after consideration. Once they’ve made their mind up, they’re not likely to change it, so it’s full steam ahead!

The Drivers who contributed to this research score high on this Business Chemistry type. Their responses were short and to the point. Here’s some valuable insights and tips how these colleagues deal with the current situation while working from home.

“What gives you energy when working from home?”

  • “Being more productive, no unnecessary meetings.”
  • “I can actually work non-stop without getting
    distracted easily. The work- environment in the office is awesome, but I feel that I get more done at home because I have no one to talk to.”
  • “Although we can’t meet physically I now feel more connected to my colleagues because it feels like we’re all fighting the same ‘war’ together.”


“What’s that one main challenge for you in this situation when working from home?”

  • “Not to keep working and taking care of myself.
  • “I have noticed I have already started to gain weight due to being indoors all day, so I intend to work out 3x times a day (short bursts, different
    exercises), meditate 2x a day and prepare/cook healthy food myself for
    breakfast, lunch, snacks & dinner.”
  • “Trying to get work done with two young children at home and a husband who works in a ‘vital sector’. It’s frustrating when I can’t finish all my to-dos.”

How to work with a Driver?
It shouldn’t come as a surprise Drivers like to get to the point and they value people who are competent and confident. Make sure you know what you’re talking about, and get to the point quickly; but also know when to stop. Avoid excessive small talk, indirectness, and indecisiveness if you want to keep the attention of a Driver. Working effectively with a Driver requires some flexing. How you flex depends on your own Business Chemistry type. Need tips on how you can improve your relationship with a Driver? Check them out here.

During your next contact moment be aware of how you can support your team to drive results. And keep a close eye on the fourth post about Integrators. Or
subscribe to the Business Chemistry blog so you don't miss future posts!

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