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How Guardians get energy by working from home 

This is the second post in a four-part series that gives insight on how Guardians get energy by working from home and what they find challenging in this current situation. This is a follow-up from the Introduction post and Pioneers post on ‘What gives you energy when working from home?’

How to recognize a Guardian?

They will probably respond with: Changing the world, one spreadsheet at a time. Guardians are structured, meticulous, focused on the details, and practical. If you’re paying attention to these things you might be able to spot a Guardian easily, but they’re the most reserved of all the Business Chemistry types so they don’t always make themselves known.

They’re also the most introverted of the four types which means they can be
quite reluctant to speak up in a group situation, particularly when others are dominating an online video call, for example.

When it comes to making decisions, a Guardian may take a while as they first need to study all the information available to them. They’re most comfortable with what’s familiar and have a tendency to go with the status quo, for which reason they tend to be risk-averse. When making a decision that involves a new
direction they can be quite cautious. Once you have them on board though,
they’ll make a positive contribution and you can rely on them to deliver.

As part of the investigation among Guardians who score high on this Business
Chemistry type, here’s some valuable insights and tips on how these colleagues
deal with the current situation while working from home.

“What gives you energy when working from home?”

  • “No travelling time.”
  • “The increased focus and productivity; less distractions from people taking calls at your desk, impromptu tapping you on the shoulder.”
  • “I like having a structured routine, but only with pre specified milestones which mark the beginning/end of other activities.”


“What’s that one main challenge for you in this situation when working from home?”

  • “Personal face to face contact, using webcam is definitively half way better than just audio, but not the real thing.”
  • “It’s sometimes challenging to find the right digital-format to replace
    previous ways of working, formal or informal.”
  • “I am only missing a bit of structure during the day as it is very easy to keep working in the evening without realizing, but I am doing my best to adhere to the planning every day.”

How to work with a Guardian?
Guardians dislike ambiguity, and respond best to concrete facts. When you make a plan with a Guardian they’re going to expect you to stick with it. If you don’t, they may see you as unreliable. They also place great value on loyalty, so  demonstrating that can take you a long way. For detailed tips on how you can improve your relationship with a Guardian, investigate the details here.

Any Guardian who likes to share their reflection on this?

During your next contact moment try to prepare on how you can support your team to drive results. Oh, and don't forget to read about the upcoming responses from the other types. Or subscribe to the Business Chemistry blog so you don't miss future posts!

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