Quarterly surveys on Generative AI adoption and scaling

The defining time for Generative AI is now. Follow its evolution with The State of Generative AI in the Enterprise, a quarterly series of survey reports tracking trends in use cases, scaling, and value from the Deloitte AI Institute™.

Archive: The State of Generative AI in the Enterprise reports

Q1 report: Now decides next

The first wave of our survey was fielded to more than 2,800 director- to C-suite-level respondents across six industries and 16 countries between October-December 2023. In Q1, The State of Generative AI in the Enterprise report found that, while expectations remain high, leaders are feeling pressure to quickly realize value while managing risks.

Today, GenAI is at an inflection point where organizations are just beginning to recognize its potential but are yet to see it as a growth catalyst for business. Organizations need to consider GenAI in conjunction with other AI and technology tools to drive business growth. — Deborshi Dutt
Artificial Intelligence Strategic Growth Offering lead and principal

Seeking Value

79% of respondents expect generative AI to transform their organizations within three years. But in practice, they are most focused on gaining practical benefits today.

Looking for generative AI insight tailored to your business? Let's talk.

Business Leadership

Research Leadership

Source: Deloitte’s State of Generative AI in the Enterprise Quarter one survey


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The State of Generative AI in the Enterprise

Explore updated findings from the Deloitte AI Institute's survey series tracking Generative AI adoption, wins, and challenges throughout 2024.

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Deloitte AI Institute

Connecting enterprises through perspectives and analysis to the entire AI ecosystem.