Boost your marketing ROI
Companies that invest in technology platforms and leverage their data to engage consumers can still struggle to achieve their objectives because they’re missing a key piece of the puzzle. To succeed, they need an execution model—one that’s powered by leading-edge capabilities, advanced infrastructure, and experienced specialists. We can help with that.
How do you want your brand to be perceived? Do you want to engage with everyone or only certain groups? Are you looking to create loyal fans or momentary buzz? Do you want to give customers exactly what they ask for, or send them all your email offers on the assumption that one or two will appeal?
If your marketing programs aren’t generating the return on investment you’re banking on, it may be because of the methods and tools you’re using. Or not using. And as your customers’ needs and preferences change, you have to be able to pivot with them and, ideally, anticipate where they’re headed so that you can still be a part of their journey. Being able to evolve with your customers is precisely the objective we’ve set for the Consumer Engagement & Marketing as a Service (CEMaaS) offering from Deloitte. We can help you:
See data as an asset
When handled effectively, data can be used to lower acquisition costs, prevent customer fatigue, optimize targeting, and more. But it’s difficult to get right—in fact, it’s one of the biggest challenges today’s marketing departments face. Often, they lack the expertise to collect, manage, and harness data in the form and context best suited to drive predictable outcomes. Even when a company has the in-house talent to do this skilled work, the team may not have the closed-loop frameworks or bandwidth to take on data centric projects of this scale.
There’s a lot to consider when working data into your process. You have to understand what data you have and ensure it’s accessible and complies with privacy laws. You need to make sure the usage scenarios are suitably designed, and your data is comprehensive enough to give you the answers you seek. The whole process can be intimidating and costly.
We can help with this. By working as an extension of your team, we can support your marketing strategies throughout the customer life cycle and manage and operate the tools you need to develop a data-centric marketing and digital strategy to shape your messaging and create the type of stickiness that drives measurably better traffic and outcomes.
Avoid costly errors
With businesses working across multiple channels, you cannot afford to make critical decisions and major investments based purely on instinct. To execute successfully at scale, comprehensive marketing programs require investments across numerous areas—data, processes, decision frameworks, skilled resources, governance models, and more.
Then there’s the need to invest in search engine optimization, social media, email, advertising, and other tactics, all at the same time. Companies feel the pressure to target those initiatives to reach the right audiences at the right times.
We have demonstrated a successful approach and platform that can be readily custom designed to your needs based on market response and save you the in-house investments you would otherwise need.
Witness the results
At times, marketing teams feel exhausted and overwhelmed by the effort required to move the needle with customers, even just a bit. Our clients tell us that not only have we helped them significantly boost their ROI, but we’ve also given them control over how they engage and motivate their target audiences. The following examples are typical of the results our clients achieve from working with us:

A Canadian auto dealer found that working with disparate databases and different data points made it challenging to get a clear view of its customers. So, when the company wanted to bring its customer insights into focus, we introduced the necessary technologies and Deloitte’s approach to customer data platforms and master data management. By setting the client up with a 360-degree view of its customers and linking this information to its customer relationship management (CRM) process, it was able to get stronger and more predictable engagement across all touchpoints. As a result, the client saw a significant increase in sales—and its strongest results in five years.

A national pharmaceutical-nutritional products client was struggling to build a holistic view of its customers with limited data. Working together, we tapped into third-party data to supplement this lack, which improved its targeting—at a lower cost—by identifying neighbourhoods with low penetration, higher enrolments to the loyalty program, or both.

A health care client needed help with marketing a new over-the-counter pain relief product. We helped the company to overcome the initial challenges with generating leads and sales by bringing context to patient profiles. From there, the client was able to target specific physicians for samples, leading to a 50% increase in response rates and $400,000 in saving in the first six months alone.
Deloitte: your outcomes solution
We’ll help you turn every customer from a number into a person with behavioural insights, putting you in the best position to motivate them to act in line with your desired program outcomes. We’ll also help you get more out of your investments by delivering targeted messaging and personalized experiences that have been shown to earn customer loyalty, improve engagement, and increase sales. Together, we’ll generate measurable results and a stronger return on your marketing spend.
If you’re just beginning your journey in data-driven marketing, it’s important to consider which approach will get you the results you’re looking for. One option is to learn as you go. Another is to embed continuous advantage by working with an experienced team that can apply the practices that are helping other businesses optimize their data-centric digital marketing and advertising strategies.
The next step is up to you.
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