Press releases

Rita Chan, Deloitte China Hong Kong Government & Public Sector service leader, delivered a speech at the CityU EE Joint Lab - Phase 6 ceremony

Publish date: 31 March 2023

Rita Chan, our Hong Kong Government & Public Sector service leader, attended the CityU EE Joint Lab Ceremony – Phase 6 as one of the scheme participating member corporations on 23 March 2023. Rita delivered a speech at the ceremony, in which she emphasized the importance of establishing joint research, R&D and commercialization in support of the development of I&T hub to the betterment of Hong Kong economy. In addition, she expressed that Deloitte has been looking into establishing closer relationship with CityU in internship, providing hands-on experience to students and equipping them better as valuable talents in Hong Kong. The ceremony marked a promising partnership between Deloitte and the CityU EE Department and demonstrated Deloitte's commitment to enabling closer collaboration with higher education institutions in support of the development in innovation and technology.

CityU EE Joint Lab is a scheme of collaboration with industrial associations, research centres, and organisations with 14 research themes being focused. Having founded in 2020, there are now 34 organisations enrolled as partner in this scheme by phase, including Alibaba Cloud, ASM, Astri, Cyberport, Deloitte, Hong Kong Productivity Council, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Hong Kong Science & Technology Parks, Huawei, intel, Microsoft, Nvidia, etc.


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