
Cyber and Strategic Risk

Face the future with confidence

Reimagine resilience with Cyber and Strategic Risk management

Resilience is the most valuable asset for an organization in today’s increasingly complex world. We are here to help you reimagine and action it. Get out in front, reduce the impact of unseen events and the frequency with which they hit.

Purpose is a powerful catalyst to protect your business through adversity and help it thrive on the other side. We’ll help you define it, providing visibility and actionable insights designed to improve resourcefulness, manage threats and steer through challenges responsibly.

How can we help?

Resilient businesses not only survive, but thrive before, during and after adversity. Deloitte Cyber and Strategic Risk is dedicated to helping businesses build that resilience in today’s unpredictable world.

More than ever, risk seems to come from every angle. From divisive political discourse, to the immediate climate crisis, racial inequality and seemingly insurmountable challenges in trade and commerce. While many companies depend on increasingly complex global ecosystems, if you can anticipate the next crisis, you can show your resilience and emerge stronger from adversity.

Resilience is the ability to adapt rapidly to changing markets, new threats and disruptive competition, and learn lessons fast. More than merely responding positively to change, resilient organizations seek to be part of it - influence it - empowered to take up the challenges, partner with third parties, and learn from every experience.

We work alongside organizations to help them reimagine risk to drive core business objectives, from cyber and strategic risk, to sustainability, to building reputation. Ultimately, helping you remain relevant to consumers who expect businesses to deliver not just profits but impact for people and planet.

Our Cyber and Strategic Risk services help you see risk from an ecosystem and enterprise level, helping you maximize your potential and uncover strategic opportunities. Faster, more innovative and more resilient in the face of adversity.

As a world leader in professional services, our depth and breadth of knowledge is right there with you. Together, we build and connect trust, resilience and security to grow your business in responsible, sustainable ways, confident for the future.

Our Services


Crisis and Resilience

Strategy, Brand and Reputation

Climate and Sustainability

Extended Enterprise

Get in Touch

Yvonne Wu
Deloitte China Risk Advisory National Function Leader
+86 21 6141 1570

Tonny Xue
Deloitte China Risk Advisory Cyber and Strategic Risk Lead Partner
+86 10 8520 7315