Consumer 2020


Consumer 2020

We live in times characterized by change and volatility, yet businesses we need to make investment decisions that will equip us to serve markets and consumers as they will be in 10 years time and beyond. This report is ambitious. By drawing toghether insights into economic and demographic trends, considerations of finite resources and sustainability, and the ever more dramatic impact of technology on our daily lives, it sets out to make some predictions about how our attitudes and patterns of consumption will change over the next decade.

This ambitious study draws together insights into economic and demographic trends, considerations of finite resources, and the ever-more dramatic impact of technology on our daily lives, in order to make some predictions about how our attitudes and patterns of consumption will change over the next decade. Its sections cover:

  • How changes in the global economy are likely to affect consumers
  • Changing consumer demographics
  • Effects of the global food crisis
  • Sustainable consumption
  • How new technologies are changing the way consumers interact with companies
Consumer 2020
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