
What Makes a Happy Customer?

8 September 2021

The Joint Regional Seminar (JRS) is an annual event co-organized by the Institute & Faculty of Actuaries and Actuaries Institute Australia with the support of the local actuarial societies in the region. A half-day regional programme will be presented in the afternoon on 8 September 2021, hosted virtually by the Actuarial Society of Hong Kong, for all participants from the Asia region. This year's theme is “The Post-pandemic Actuarial World".

What Makes A Happy Customer?

What does it mean to be a happy customer? When was the last time we felt good after buying something?

A Customer-First mindset is about making the customer enjoy the product and experience so much that afterwards they come back for more.

We are actuaries, but first and foremost, we are consumers. When was the last time buying insurance made you happy?

In this session, Louis Lee from Deloitte Actuarial and Insurance Solutions, and Rebecca Zhang from SCOR Global Life, will share their insight on what makes products enjoyable and everlasting. They will venture into every part of the customer journey, from pre-sales personalization, optimized CX, sales interaction, product experience, claims satisfaction, lifetime engagement, and many more.

The session will also elaborate on how to make insurance as a service more complete, and to a wider set of consumers, moving away from seeing customers as “risks” or “lives”.

Join Louis and Rebecca in their session on 8 September, 03:45 PM to learn more. 

Joint Regional Seminar 2021