
The Way Forward: Your Practical Guide to China Cross-border Data Transfer Compliance

Published date: 27 June 2024

In today's interconnected global landscape, seamless Cross-border Data Transfer (CBDT) is essential for driving innovation and empowering the digital economy, such as facilitating business expansion and fostering cross-border collaboration.

The regulatory landscape is witnessing the trend of increasing CBDT legislative measures being implemented or planned to effectively regulate CBDT, driven by various factors from data security, privacy rights, to digital trust.

Amidst these evolving regulations, global businesses operating in China are facing the challenges to react fast to these CBDT requirements and action swiftly on these varying degrees of rules and thresholds across the globe, leading to a review and rethink of current operations, identifying, formulating, and implementing the suitable strategy. The labyrinth of CBDT rules has become increasingly complex, with further regulatory extensions and provisions including more detailed guidance issued in 2024. It is no longer just multinational corporations feeling the impact, organizations of all sizes must now prioritize compliance while striving to maintain and expand their operations.

Keeping away from regulatory penalties, organizations need to adhere to the defined compliance path based on specific scenarios, data types, and threshold requirements set by the governing authority. By promptly initiating the compliance process, organizations can mitigate risks and ensure a smooth transition.

Deloitte is well-equipped to support your global operations, guiding you through the journey of CBDT compliance and beyond, ensuring holistic support tailored to your specific needs.

Explore more about China's Cross-border Data Transfer regulations and their implications for your business at

The Way Forward: Your Practical Guide to China Cross-border Data Transfer Compliance


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