
Deloitte China attended the first Pudong headquarters economy Ten Classic Samples Awards Ceremony

On 22 January 2015, the First Pudong Headquarters Economy Ten Classic Samples Awards Ceremony was held in Shanghai International Convention Center. The poll was initiated by Pudong Commerce Commission. The selection was conducted with on-site investigation, comprehensive evaluation, online voting, expert review meetings, etc.

Deloitte was not only one of Expert Committee but also Financial Advisor and Art Advisor
As one of the expert committee, Deloitte actively participated in the whole process of the selection. Deloitte was appointed as the financial advisor and art advisor of the event. Deloitte Great China Tax and Business Advisory Managing Partner Vivian Jiang presented awards to two of the ten classic sample enterprises: General Motors (China) Investment Co., Ltd. and Norvatis (China) BioMedical Research Co., Ltd. Vivian also provided comments and had Q&A with the representatives of awarded enterprises.

Shanghai Pudong Headquarter Economy Shared Service Center
The cluster of headquarter enterprises cannot be realized without international, market oriented and facilitated business environment. As mentioned by Mr. Sun Yong Qiang, the deputy in-charge official of Shanghai Pudong Commission of Commerce, Pudong Headquarter Economy Shared Service Center coordinated the resources of government, society and enterprises to provide targeted services to headquarters. As observed by Deloitte, good government service platform puts the market forces at a more important role, accelerates the flow of information, enhances the communication between enterprises and government and facilitates the connectivity of the ecosystem.

Deloitte is the Strategic Partner of Shanghai Pudong Foreign Investment Association and Headquarter Economy Shared Service Center
Appointed by related Pudong New Area Government's Commissions/Departments, Deloitte provides intelligent support and valuable suggestion to Shanghai Pudong New Area's international business environment in recent years. As an independent third party, Deloitte contributes a lot in the areas of: 1) conducting objective and independent policy analysis to provide feasible solution for companies; 2) bridging the communication between governments and companies; and 3) acting as the think tank for governments' policy making by leveraging advantages in global network, client service experience and knowledge sharing.

In 2010 and 2012, Deloitte provided intelligence support to the Shanghai Pudong New Area White Paper on Environment for Foreign Investment, which provided an independent third party assessment for the foreign investment environment in Pudong New Area. This reflects Deloitte's commitment in the local market by leveraging global network and experience.

Deloitte Great China Tax and Business Advisory Managing Partner Vivian Jiang gave awards to General Motors (China) Investment Co., Ltd. and Norvatis (China) BioMedical Research Co., Ltd.

Deloitte China Clients and Markets Associate Director Diane Yao was appointed as the art advisor of the event


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