Crisp video and audio to decipher hot issues in tax and business
In this ever-changing world, one needs timely insights to make the right decisions with agility. Taxcast思享 is a short video and audio series to share our trustworthy insights on business and tax issues.
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【Latest Taxcast】
As the US and EU swap Climate Policies: What's Next for Businesses?
Taxcast思享——Sharing of the emission peak and carbon neutrality
Charles Gong, Deloitte China Tax and Business Advisory
24 March 2023
On January 1st 2023, the U.S. "Inflation Reduction Act (IRA)” , considered as the largest investment in climate spending in U.S. history, came into force, and on October 1st, the EU's "Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM)" will also take effect. What challenges and opportunities will emerge as the US and EU swap climate policies? How to identify the key issues and adjust your business strategies? Deloitte China Tax and Business Advisory partner Charles Gong shares his observations and insights from various aspects such as the new energy industry, import and export trade to help your business strive for sustainable development.
For low-carbon producers, implementing carbon tariffs also means opportunities. Taking steel manufacturing as an example, companies using high-carbon processes, such as blast and converters, will face high carbon tariffs, while those using low-carbon technologies, such as direct reduction of iron, can gain a competitive advantage by paying less or no tax.
- Charles Gong
Audio in Chinese only
【Previous Taxcast】
How to enjoy hassle-free R&D incentives?
Lisa Li, Tax and Business Advisory Partner
20 September 2022
The R&D incentives, including super deductions and other benefits entitled per their High-tech Enterprise Status, offer benefits for companies conducting eligible activities. It encourages investment to help your company grow and innovate to boost economic growth. How to enjoy these incentives more compliantly and efficiently? Deloitte China Tax and Business Advisory partner Lisa Li will share her observations and insights with three examples to assist in leveraging your R&D operations.
It is not difficult to enjoy R&D-related incentives. Still, we must meet three requirements. That includes the requirements for R&D projects, R&D expenses, and R&D documentation. In the current economic environment, we sincerely hope that the enterprises who are qualified for R&D incentives can meet these requirements, fully enjoy the tax incentives, and unleash potential resources to combat challenges.
- Lisa
Audio in Chinese only
Foreign source income exemption (FSIE) regime for passive income
Taxcast思享 - Sharing from the 2021 HK Tax Firm of the Year
Anthony Lau, Tax and Business Advisory Partner
Jonathan Culver, Tax and Business Advisory Partner
26 August 2022
With the refinements to the FSIE (Foreign Source Income Exemption) regime, there is no doubt that Hong Kong's territorial source principle of taxation will no longer be as "simple" as it used to be. What does the FSIE mean to you? How to figure out the key features of the FSIE and identify the exemption or relief pathways? Deloitte China Tax & Business Advisory Partners Anthony Lau and Jonathan Culver Culver share their observations and recommendations via this episode.
Now FSIE regime is coming soon. Companies should get a better understanding of the key rules, as well as exemption conditions under this new regime. Do take appropriate actions in advance to get prepared and better manage any potential Hong Kong tax risks.
- Anthony
Why tax advisors should have a seat at the acquisition decision table early on?
Taxcast思享 - Sharing from the 2021 HK Tax Firm of the Year
Raymond Tang, Tax and Business Advisory Partner
23 August 2022
Tax is a cost. Business change often shifts how revenue is earned, expenses are incurred and consequently how big the tax amount is. To protect your interests upfront in an M&A deal, you need tax advisors at your decision table sooner than you think. In this episode, Raymond Tang will share with you his observations over the years and a quick checklist on the M&A tax items that you should tick along your end-to-end M&A journey.
Tax structuring during formulation of holding structure means a huge difference in the tax amounts entailed per different transaction and holding structures, both in the short and long run.
- Raymond
How to make the Shanghai Action Plan work for you?
David Allgaier, Tax and Business Advisory Partner
22 July 2022
Shanghai Action Plan to Accelerate Economic Recovery and Revitalization was released with 50 items to stimulate economic recovery. What was covered and how to make the relevant bailout measures work for you? David Allgaier will share his observations and suggestions via this episode of Taxcast.
Anyone who has ever hiked a mountain and in full transparency that does not include me, knows that with a trained guide, not only makes the journey more enjoyable, but also helps ensure safety. A lot of people don't know how to access the benefits of the Shanghai Action Plan, so my suggestion is, to contact a trained guide and in this case, a tax guide, to help you navigate the jungle of measures.
- David Allgaier

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Please share on and may you obtain dialogue opportunities via Taxcast! For inquiries or suggestions, please contact:
Jeff Xu
Tax and Business Advisory
Phone: +86 21 6141 1278
Debbie Fang
Tax and Business Advisory
Phone: +86 21 6141 1109