

Kumppaniverkoston hallinta

Holistinen näkemys kumppaniverkoston hallintaan

Näkyvyyden parantaminen | Arvon ymmärtäminen | ESG-sitoumusten täyttäminen

TPM processes are strongly embedded in functional domains and use ad hoc processes within functional siloes to implement individual programs rather than standardized coordinated processes. As a result, the organization fails to gain significant synergies or connectivity across applications related to sourcing, procurement, risk management, contract life-cycle management, ongoing monitoring, and other TPM activities.

Kumppaniverkoston kehittämiseen liittyy valtavasti mahdollisuuksia

Organisaatioiden riippuvuus kolmansista osapuolista on kasvanut ulkoistettujen palveluiden ja digitalisaation mahdollistamien toimintaympäristön muutosten myötä.

Näiden muutosten tuomat, kolmansiin osapuoliin liittyvät riskit ovat jääneet monissa organisaatioissa huomaamatta, tunnistamatta ja analysoimatta myös Suomessa. Tämän seurauksena syntyy eri tasoisia, koko liiketoimintaa koskevia hallitsemattomia riskejä.

Third Party Risk Management (TPRM) eli kumppaniverkoston riskienhallinta pureutuu nykypäivänä muun muassa kestävään kehitykseen, regulaatioon, maineenhallintaan ja toimitusketjun kumppaniriskien hallintaan. Tavoitteena on liiketoiminnan jatkuvuudenhallinta ja kehityksen mahdollistaminen.

Deloittella tuemme asiakkaitamme kokonaisvaltaisesti kumppaniverkoston hallinnassa. Lue lisää englanninkielisestä esitteestämme ja tutustu kattavaan palvelutarjontaamme.

Approaches to managing third parties have generally failed to keep pace with rapidly expanding third-party networks and their role in organizational success. Meanwhile, most organizations have increased their dependence on third parties, which now include not only suppliers of goods and services but also affiliates and joint venture partners, R&D organizations, and sales channels, among others. In organizations that rely heavily on third parties, up to 80 percent of direct and indirect operating costs and 50 to 100 percent of revenues can be attributable to third-party relationships¹.

From siloed to integrated Third-Party Management (TPM)

A holistic perspective on third parties covers the entire TPM lifecycle—from sourcing, procuring, and contracting through to monitoring, financial processing, and executive decision-making—across all third-party relationships. That perspective, and the integrated approach it fosters, is becoming a prerequisite for increasing efficiency, reducing costs, and meeting ESG commitments. Those benefits are realized by aggregating performance improvement opportunities and creating synergies across TPM processes.

Third Party Management Brochure

Siloed third-party management presents a range of challenges and opportunities. The challenges relate mainly to excessive costs, lack of visibility, and compromised operating and risk-response capabilities. The opportunities stem from more timely, accurate, and actionable information on third parties and greater efficiency and effectiveness in TPM.

The business case for integrated TPM

As an organization’s third-party network grows in terms of size, spend, and strategic importance, the business case for integrating TPM becomes stronger. Benefits of integrated TPM include reduced costs, enhanced shareholder value, greater responsiveness to change and crisis, and improved ESG performance (and perceptions).

The business case for integrated TPM closely aligns with the case for digitalization. Deloitte research into digital maturity has found a strong link between an organization’s digital maturity and its financial performance. That heightened performance is driven by data mastery, flexible yet secure IT infrastructure, and rationalized connected workflows.

An integrated solution tailored to the organization

Deloitte’s integrated solution consolidates third-party data drawn from existing TPM systems and, when useful, from external sources. It then applies analytics to that data to generate actionable insights and support strategic decision making. Such a solution can connect disparate software and platforms and support any individual or function with a role in TPM, as well as senior executives responsible for enterprise growth and value.

TPM Maturity Model

Many organizations get to the “developing” stage but then struggle to advance further in being able to integrate their TPM systems. Deloitte can assist such organizations with a smarter way to accelerate the journey to TPM integration using technologies such as UI and UX together with an analytics layer to overcome this barrier. This integrated approach can then be further enhanced by complementing it with a managed services platform where appropriate.

TPM processes are strongly embedded in functional domains and use ad hoc processes within functional siloes to implement individual programs rather than standardized coordinated processes.​

Some evidence of alignment and coordination across specific TPM processes exists, although inconsistently across the end-to-end process and the organization.​

TPM processes are aligned and coordinated across the entire organization, with mature capabilities used to achieve data mastery by aggregating siloed data and related systems.​

In addition to being integrated, process performance is continually improved through both incremental and innovative technological enhancements.​

This solution encompasses four core Deloitte services, potentially on a managed-services platform:

Spend Management as a Service (SMaaS)
Legal & Commercial Services
TPRM Managed Services
Supplier Mapping

To further explore the key themes and trends, and for more information about how Deloitte can help you succeed with TPM journey, please connect with one of our regional TPM leaders.

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Virpi Pasanen

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