Finance & Performance
In an age of technology disruption, executives need strategies to improve finance and other back-office functions and deliver as-a-service solutions for processes, operations, and supporting technology.
Finance functions that underpin an organization’s success can be complex. Today’s professionals need the smart tools and guidance to manage these complexities and provide insights to drive profitability and growth.
Deloitte’s Finance & Performance services deliver the industry-leading knowledge and tech-enabled solutions to do just that.
Explore additional resources
Finance 2025: Digital transformation in finance
Read our eight predictions for finance in 2025, based on what finance leaders are doing and the technology available today.
The ‘Crunch time’ series for CFOs
From cloud computing and robotics to analytics, cognitive technologies, and blockchain, a new class of digital disruptors is transforming how the work of finance gets done. Examine specific digital disruptors and their impacts in our "Crunch time" report series.
Customer Service Excellence Survey 2022 - Nemzetközi kiadás | Deloitte Magyarország
Bemutatjuk a Deloitte 2022-es Customer Service Excellence Survey második, bővített kiadását, amelynek célja, hogy felvázolja azokat a trendeket és kihívásokat, amik a leginkább meghatározzák az ügyfélszolgálat jelenét és jövőjét.