
Inclusive Execution

Driving Inclusion into the Building Blocks of an Organization

In an increasingly interconnected and competitive world, organizations need to embrace inclusive leadership for growth and modernization, while recognizing the need for additional strategies which go beyond senior levels to fully unlock the competitive advantages of global talent. Inclusive Execution goes beyond inclusive leadership to drive inclusion through every aspect of an organization’s behaviors, decision making processes, operations, and actions.

Unlocking the power of global talent

Globally minded individuals with exposure to diverse environments, cultural contexts, and working practices, are uniquely positioned to help organizations navigate change, complexity, and uncertainty. For Japan in particular, they can help attenuate labor shortages exacerbated by the continuing decline in birth rates. However, the constraints of rigid and inflexible traditional working frameworks, can limit employee potential, underscoring the pressing need for a paradigm shift in Japan’s approach to accessing, engaging, and developing global talent. This issue is acute for Japanese companies, however parallel challenges exist for global organizations across the world.


Inclusive Execution: Hard wiring inclusion into processes and systems

How can organizations initiate this all-important paradigm shift? Inclusive leadership is an important starting point but may not permeate all aspects of an organization. Inclusive Execution goes beyond inclusive leadership to drive inclusion through every aspect of an organization’s behaviors, decision making processes, operations, and actions.


The three key components of Inclusive Execution

Observations and experiences across geographies, industries and demographics suggest that there are three key components that differentiate an organization’s ability to enable and accelerate Inclusive Execution.

  1. Mindset driving cultural norms
  2. Diversified global talent pods
  3. Governance and decision making

It is the collective value created through the activation of all three components that create the pathway to unlocking the boundless potential of Inclusive Execution.

To discover more about how organizations can harness Inclusive Execution to enhance their global competitiveness and position themselves for sustainable success going forward, read our white paper in full.

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