
Deloitte Cyber Trend & Intelligence Report 2021

Based on analysis by Deloitte Japan’s Cyber Intelligence Centre, this report (a translation of an excerpt from Deloitte’s Cyber Trends & Intelligence Report 2021 in Japanese) examines the trends in cyberattacks and ransomware, the increase in leak sites, and what kind of damage double extortion ransomware has inflicted by region and industry.

Report summary

To protect against the damage from ransomware attacks, it is important for organisations to remain vigilant and to continue implementing basic countermeasures. Drawing on our experience in helping organisations deal with cyber incidents and improve their cyber defences, the second section of the report outlines suggested preparations to help prevent damage from double extortion ransomware attacks. Please download the PDF to learn more.

Cyber Trends and Intelligence Report

Cyber Intelligence Center (CIC) overview

Damage from cyber attacks, such as targeted attacks, on companies has surged in recent years. These attacks come in many forms, including theft, destruction, and spread of harmful rumors of valuable information assets (technology, production, personal information, and so on. Taking countermeasures against these attacks is a vital issue for companies. In addition, as cyber attacks have become more sophisticated, it is very difficult to deal with them using conventional countermeasures centered on the boundaries of the Internet only. Deloitte Tohmatsu Group utilizes cyber intelligence from the Cyber Intelligence Center (CIC) of Deloitte companies in individual countries to offer security threat analysis services to our clients. Deloitte Japan opened the CIC in May 2016.

Deloitte’s global network of Cyber Intelligence Centers operate 24/7 to provide advanced security operations including Threat Intelligence, Threat Monitoring, Threat Hunting and Security Analytics. We can extend these by additional offerings, such as Application Security Testing or Cyber Incident Response.

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