
Global Workforce Solutions

Embrace digital innovation

The global workforce is increasingly mobile and technologically savvy. We can help you in creating consistent business and talent strategies that not only align your workforce mobility operations but also helps in recruiting talent from around the globe.

Transform and align your mobile workforce using technology and analytics

Deloitte’s HR, tax, and technology professionals help identify and implement effective technology and data analysis solutions to help manage and support a diverse mobile workforce.

We can guide you in thinking through outsourcing and insourcing options, where to locate operations, how to navigate risk and comply with regulations, and other complex decisions—identifying workforce technologies that can help you digitally transform HR and mobile practices.

Global Workforce, Technology Enablement & Analytics

Global Workforce Consulting

We can help you establish global workforce strategies and operations for now and into the future, using workforce data analytics and technology to tailor solutions to business and talent objectives.

Technology Enablement & Analytics

We use a design-led, data-driven approach, to produce custom mobility and talent solutions. We can use HR data, analytics, and technology to automate your workflows, visualize and analyze data, and inform strategic workforce decisions.

Find out more from here


メイ ミャトウ/May Myat Thu

メイ ミャトウ/May Myat Thu

デロイト トーマツ税理士法人 パートナー

日系およびグローバル企業の国際間異動者における所得税アドバイザリー業務・モビリティー領域のコンサルテーションに従事。 Deloitte UKでの海外赴任経験を経て、日本企業の海外赴任者の給与データの一元管理サービス(モビリティーコンサルテーション)および企業のグローバル人事戦略からオペレーション改革・デジタル化・効率化の支援を行っている。... More