AI & Data Lab

Kariera w Deloitte

AI & Data Lab

Augmented Reality. Extended perspectives.

If you want to join project teams that manage large data volumes in real-life business cases; and most important, if you want to find the enormous (also business-related) potential hidden in AI and Big Data solutions, the only thing you can do is…

Join AI & Data Lab by Deloitte, a new edition of multi-topic paid internship programme involving the use of state-of-the-art technologies.
We spent many hours teaching and cooperating with large groups of highly ambitious interns, who over time turned into (even more ambitious) Deloitte employees and experts. Are you going to take the same path?

Join us to:

  • Go through the full AI solution development life cycle
  • Carry out comprehensive implementation of the developed solutions
  • Learn what Data Scientists do
  • Obtain practical experience of solving and implementing machine learning projects
  • Analyse the process of developing Machine Learning solutions

Rekrutacja zakończona

Submit your application by 12 September. The internship programme starts on 10 October

Submit your application if you:

  • Know the basic AI or Machine Learning concepts
  • Can use the Python programming language
  • Are fluent in English (at least B2)
  • Have strong analytical skills

Your potential growth areas:

  • Python, Docker, Kubeflow, SQL, NoSQL
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