Posted: 11 Jun. 2023 2 min. read

Act Now: Future Scenarios and the Case for Equitable Climate Action

While the implications of the science of climate change are getting clearer, what remains less clear is how the public, private, and social sectors will respond to climate change and its implications for social equity. The Monitor Institute by Deloitte’s new report, Act Now: Future Scenarios and the Case for Equitable Climate Action, engaged over 100 leaders across industries and sectors to understand the intersection between climate action and climate equity.

The report unpacks the current state of climate change and climate equity, explaining why these issues will grow in importance over the decade ahead, and how climate will increasingly affect everyone’s work—whether you’re selling products, advocating for social change, or providing public services. Using scenario planning methodologies, the report highlights how climate action without consideration of equity can be fragile, while prioritizing equity without climate action potentially risks watching many gains literally wash away. 

While no one can predict the future, Act Now can help you get your organization on its front foot in thinking about climate change and climate equity—informing and guiding the actions you take today by helping you understand the range of different directions the future might head.


Gabriel Kasper, Managing Director, Monitor Institute by Deloitte

Justin Marcoux, Senior Manager, Monitor Institute by Deloitte

Jen Holk, Senior Manager, Monitor Institute by Deloitte